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"WHAT THE FUCK?!" (Name) yelled at her monitor

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"WHAT THE FUCK?!" (Name) yelled at her monitor

Her little Lego looking roblox avatar was now being attacked by some dark phantom thing.

"That stupid-ass has admin commands and he's attacking my poor defenceless character?" She muttered to herself as she witnessed her bacon haired avatar get ripped apart before hearing a quick 'oof' sound as her character was now respawning. "Bro thinks he's fucking crab-"

and she got bombed.

"Now why would you do that to me?" She asked nobody in particular.

University was already stressful as it was. She didn't need some noob with admin commands making her life worse in her only coping game.

Why was she even raging over roblox anyways? She had an assignment due in a couple of weeks for her psychology course but balancing school, work and her hobbies were all difficult. She had already thrown away her social life to the point she didn't even have a single friend in her large university. Not like she cared that much anyways but still, it was getting embarrassing.

Her daily routine would consist of very few activities.

Go to a university lecture, go home at draw for an hour before work, work at convenience store for a few hours, come home to upload on Instagram and YouTube (which she had only started recently), watch her favourite YouTuber ,Crab, or play roblox or both to relieve all her pent up stress and emotions before bed.

Sure it wasn't healthy, but at least she had a 10 step Patrick Bateman-esque skincare routine and sometimes remembered to walk around her room after drawing for hours on end.

"Haha get noobed" read the text in the chat. Surely this was a crab fan.

"Do you like crab?" She typed into the almost barren chat. Most of the players in the game were little children who (name) had originally came in here to bully.

She waited as he replied, finally pausing from repeatedly nuking her.

"Yes he's so ###########" it read.

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