Noriko and Inoichi

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We left the park mom holding my hand while she used her other hand to hold Shikamaru.

I couldn't help but hum to myself at how happy I was to be getting some sweets as It was hard to get in my past life as I lived in a special hospital for 24 hour care.

'I need to slap myself more often if I can get sweets out of it' i thought with a smile on my face.

I think mom was still worried about me as she kept glancing at me.

After we stopped at a ice cream place I ended up getting strawberry Ice cream and my mom got vanilla and she was sharing it with Shikamaru because he was still a baby.

We sat at a bench and I couldn't help but scan the area for people I recognize in the anime.

But in the end I couldn't find anyone from the anime.


After we finished the ice cream mom led us to somewhere else which was very familiar

Right now I stood in front of a flower shop.

'Wait now I remember where I heard the name Noriko she is ino mom!' I thought while getting excited to meet baby ino.


The doors opened as we made our way inside this beautiful little flower shop.

"Noriko so good to see you how is ino?" Mom said to the lady behind the counter.

"She is good she is down for nap right one second I'm gonna go get her watch the front of the shop for me Yoshino"Noriko said while walking to the back doors.

After a couple of minutes Noriko came back with baby ino in her arms.

"She is fussy right now cause I woke her up." Noriko said while rocking her arms.

"Aw she is so cute she looks so much like Inoichi" mom said with a smile,

"I know right she does look a lot like her father and Shikina has gotten even more adorable sense last time i still can't get over how gorgeous she is!" Noriko said.

"She is my little cutie pie." Mom said.

I wasn't paying attention to the rest of the conversation as I was getting quite bored so I looked around the floor shop when I heard mom say something.

"Shikina if you want you can pick out some flowers we can plant." Mom said to me.

I nodded and picked some seeds...

And they were all strawberry seeds

'I want more strawberries'I thought while drooling.

"Mom can we plant a strawberry garden please I'll take care of it forever!" I said with excitement looking at my mom.

She was about to say no but then she remembered how bad of a day her daughter had with those bullies and decided it would be best to just allow her this.

"Ok get a couple more seeds and you look for a garden book that will help you as this will be your responsibility to care for it as it is not as easy as flowers."Mom said.

After I got everything and set it on the counter mom said her goodbyes to Noriko and I was able to poke baby ino cheek.

We headed home it was almost time around supper and I wanted to do my strawberry garden as soon as possible but my dream was crushed...

"You can plant the strawberries tomorrow help me make supper tonight." Mom said with a smile while I could only dream about the delicious strawberries...

Dad came home and I asked him if he wanted to help with my strawberry farm but after he finished his food he just lazily layed on the couch pretending to be asleep while mom washed the dishes.

"Lazy ass" I mumbled

"What was that?" Dad said while opening one eye to look at me.

"Oh I just said that I love you papa!" I said while a single droplet of sweat ran down my face.

"Hm oh I love you too." Dad said while pretending to sleep again.

I couldn't help but feel relieved he didn't hear me.I grabbed my book and headed to the backyard to start my strawberry garden.


After about three hours later I was finally done
I read all the introductions in the book and my little strawberry farm was looking great.

After about three hours later I was finally done I read all the introductions in the book and my little strawberry farm was looking great

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My hands got quite muddy and I got a idea for a perfect revenge plan for my deer lazy ass dad.

"Mud cake.." I couldn't help but smile devilish at that thought.

'He is a ninja though it might not be that easy to get him to eat it.' I thought with a finger on my chin deep in thought.

'Well who says he need to eat' I thought but couldn't help but laugh creepily."kekeke"

After I made a nice squishy ball of mud i got ready to be the best actor yet.

"What are you doing Shikina?" Mom said suddenly standing be-hide me

I jumped and looked behind me while shaking.

"Shit" I said.

"Shikina..." mom said giving a dark aura.

"Dad taught me" I said with no hesitation.

"I think I'll have to have another talk with him.." mom said with a tick mark.

"I won't say the word again if you help me please mommy I want to pour mud on dad head." I said all innocent like with puppy dog eyes.

"You won't be saying that word regardless but I suppose you can count me in what's your plan." Mom said thinking that it would probably fail sense he is a trained shinobi.

After we discussed stuff mom decided to be a distraction while I would do a sneak attack.

I had a wooden bucket in my hand while sneaky standing by the wall out of sight.

"Darling can you come here for a moment?" Mom yelled out to father.

He grumbled but reluctantly got off the couch and glanced at Shikamaru playing with blocks then he walked out to see what his wife wanted.

As soon as he walked out of the doors he knew his daughter was there but pretended to not see her as he was quite amused about what they are trying to pull.

"Dear, today someone slapped our daughter.." mom said while sounding upset.

'Is that her distraction?' I thought deadpanning.

But before they could say anymore though I was about to splash the mud on dad but it felt like time was slowing down..

As if the world went to slow Moe I could see outline beside dad of him dodging almost like I was predicting what was gonna happen so as fast as lightning to others but to me I moved normality as everything was so slow as I splashed the mud on the outline of him.

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