The ninja world

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"Let's go have breakfast I made bacon and eggs for breakfast" Yoshino said while walking over to Shikamaru and picking up him.

We made it to the kitchen I looked around and didn't see Shikaku anywheres

'Where did he go? Aww I really wanted to mess with him more I haven't had that much fun sense I chatted with some nice elderly people at the hospital.' I thought while sitting on a kitchen chair,

"Where is papa?" I asked

"Oh he is at work you will see him later don't worry sweetheart." Mom said

The kitchen and living room was connected from what I could observe, the living room was quite spacious and there was a upstairs as well.

'I should go explore afterwards'I thought while digging into my bacon,

Then it hit me all of a sudden.. I felt so panicked I almost dropped my fork as I couldn't help but come to the realization that I don't know my name!! How could I not think of that yet well I shouldn't be too harsh as I'm still in the denial faze but still!

'What the hell is my name! I can't seem to recall any name even in my past life what do I do!'I thought with a panic expression.

"Is something wrong sweetie?" Mom asked with worry noticing the sudden change in her daughter expression.

"U-u-uh yea! I was just th-inking." I said stuttering while shoving the bacon in my mouth to stop me from saying anymore.

'Come on think! They must have said my name before what is it' i thought while chewing my bacon with determination in my eyes.

Mom didn't buy the act but decided it wasn't that important as she was fine just a moment ago so she continued on helping Shikamaru eat.

"Oh wait you're school starts next week are you excited?" Mom said,

'School do I really get to go to school with other people. I never been to a school I have been home schooled in the hospital I wonder who will be in my grade!'I thought while my eyes were glistening with excitement ignoring my other problem.

"Yess! I can't wait." I said with with a huge smile.

"Haha I'm glad" mom said with a smile.

————————————————————-(ˊ•͈ ◡ •͈ˋ)

I finished breakfast and decided to go explore the house as I have no memory or being here and my curiosity was at its peak.

I first went upstairs and saw a hallway with four traditional Japanese sliding doors.

I couldn't help but feel giddy as this is my first time seeing such doors.

In the first room was the one I woke up in there was a small kids bed and a cradle with some toys and a bunch of Nara symbols everywhere.

'So this must be my room then that means I share it with Shikamaru! I can't wait to get closer to him I wanna be a cool older sister.' I thought.

On to the next room it was a simple Japanese double bed room with a dresser and a mirror.

I walked over to the mirror and looked in it I couldn't help but awe at my appearance.

'Holy hell I'm gorgeous!' I thought with my mouth agap.

I had beautiful long black hair that was silly and smooth and had dark brown/Blackish eyes that looked like jewels and clear smooth skin.

'I look so cute! I'm gonna be such a heartbreaker when my body grows more' i thought.

I couldn't help but stare for who knows how long until I snapped out of my thoughts.

I walked out of the bedroom still in a slight daze and headed to the second bedroom I opened the door and saw it was a guest room so I moved on to the next room and it was a bathroom and on to the final room.

I slide the door open and there was a bunch of shelves with books and scrolls.

Well at least I know where I'll be spending today I need to know more about the history and rules of this world

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Well at least I know where I'll be spending today I need to know more about the history and rules of this world

————————————————————-(ˊ•͈ ◡ •͈ˋ)

Time passed by as so it was getting dark.

*Yawn" 'today was a eventful day my goal for tomorrow will be to go outside!' I thought while placing another book down.

The door slid open and a lazy voice was heard.

"Shikina I'm home and super is ready go get washed up" Shikaku said while yawning

"Welcome home Bitch!" I said with a sly smirk

It seems those words woke up Shikaku as he had a tick mark on his head

"Shikina didn't Yoshino tell you to not say such words and where do you even learn it cause it certainly wasn't me."

'Huh wait so my name is Shikina?  I like it it sounds cute Shikina Nara..'I thought ignoring my father.

"If you say it once more you're gonna be in trouble I'll let it pass this time though." Dad said while scratching his head.

"Ok papa I'm hungry let's go eat." I said with a smile getting up and stretching.

"Wait." Shikaku said suddenly

'Huh' I thought as I turned around to look at my father.

I couldn't help but stare into his eyes as it felt like he was observing my every move. I felt my heart pounding in my chest and shikaku just stared at me with a heavy gaze.

"You seem different is everything ok?" Dad said with a hint of suspicion.

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