// 𝕡𝕒𝕣𝕥 𝕗𝕠𝕣𝕥𝕪-𝕠𝕟𝕖 //

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hiraeth - part forty-one


       "I-If you can't win, then who else can!?" Bulma exclaimed, grabbing Vegeta's sleeve. Vegeta stared up at Frieza, taking in his shiny new form. He couldn't sense God Ki, so he had no idea how strong Goku's Super Saiyan God form was, he could only go off feats. But even then, Lord Beerus was holding back during his fight with Goku, and never showed his true power, so it was difficult to gauge Goku's power with just that information alone. Vegeta could be positive and hope it's enough to defeat Frieza, but it was highly probable that Frieza was on par with that power, if not higher than it.

"If Goku's not on par with Frieza, then none of us can beat him. I don't have God Ki, I can't match that. The only other person who could match that was..." Memories of the human girl flashed through Vegeta's mind, but he pushed them out. She was gone, she left. Not only that, but there was no way of contacting them as far as he was aware—.

"I know! Whis and Lord Beerus could help! I'll just use some sweets to call them!" Bulma said, although she was just being optimistic. Whis didn't seem the fighting type, and Beerus would never help them. But it was their only shot, especially if Goku lost.

"W-Wait, how do you know how to call them?" Vegeta asked, confused, but shook the thought away as he nodded, agreeing with her. "Whatever, just do what you can to get their attention. Kakarot can hold them off until they answer."

"Right! I'll be right back! Come on, Jaco, we've gotta go find an ice cream sundae!" Bulma yelled, taking off and dragging the confused Jaco with her. Vegeta turned to Goku, cupping his hands around his mouth as he yelled.

"Kakarot, hold Frieza off while Bulma calls Whis!" He shouted. Goku looked back at Vegeta in surprise, his mind suddenly running a mile a minute. Bulma was calling Whis? What did that mean? His thoughts were interrupted as Frieza growled, growing impatient.

"Ignore them, Goku, they're just scheming because you're bound to fail. Just show me your new power, I'm growing impatient. I could just kill you now if you take too long." Frieza said. Goku huffed, glaring at him as he clenched his fists.

"Alright, Frieza. But just as a warning, I haven't trained this form. I haven't even used it in months, I'm not sure I can use it again. So I can't make any promises for anything special." Goku told him honestly. Frieza rolled his eyes, annoyed and disappointed.

Goku pulled his power out from within him, reaching as deep as he could. His golden aura surrounded him, turning Super Saiyan. Frieza glanced at him, wondering if that was part of the transformation. Goku was struggling as he tried as hard as he could to summon that power, squeezing his eyes shut. But no matter how hard he tried, it seemed like he couldn't find that power.

"Come on, stupid body, work for me!" Goku hissed at himself, making Frieza raise a brow.

"Are you unwell? It must be the shock, I suppose you really were going all out back then. Shall I just kill you now?" Frieza asked. Goku ignored him, trying to find any sort of hint of that power, but there was nothing. It felt empty, as if there was some piece to a puzzle missing, and he couldn't see the full picture.

Lord Beerus's words from their fight rang in Goku's mind, and what he said about his new power. He said that there was somebody in it, a soul searching for something to fight for, a home to fight for. For as long as Goku carried out that soul's wish, he could use that power. But he was fighting for his home right now, so why couldn't he use it?

𝕙𝕚𝕣𝕒𝕖𝕥𝕙 // 𝕘𝕠𝕜𝕦 𝕩 𝕣𝕖𝕒𝕕𝕖𝕣 𝕩 𝕘𝕠𝕙𝕒𝕟Where stories live. Discover now