idk at this point

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About the school I was failing computer class (embarrassing) I got a bit better grades at it so now I have D as final grade and not F so that's good
And I told my sis about wanting to later on change the major I picked for high school cos I HAD A PLAN that I will tell mom a bit later but my sister told mom and for a while she was Hella mad but now she's chill (I hope)

Still I have the feeling like everything is either boring or just like plain and all like idk

But maybe it won't be that bad I'm just trying to convince myself that its aesthetic and all so I'll just try and maybe could later on switch it

WHICH ONE OF YALL REPORTED. Wattpad is in my dms rn asking me if I need help🙄🇬🇧

I'm listening to lana rn🧍‍♀️👍

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