Chapter 1

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Len supressed a groan of frustration and annoyance. Hatsune Miku, possibly the most popular girl in the school, was walking over to him, one hand on her hip and a cutesy smile on her face that suggested that she was going to ask what he knew she was going to ask. And there was no turning down Hatsune Miku.

Slamming his textbook shut, Len quickly stuffed it in his bag, wanting to leave as soon as possible. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Kaito, Len's classmate and - incidentally - his crush, doing the same.

Before Len could leave, though, Miku was in front of him, that infuriating smile plastered on her face. "Hey, Len, so I was wondering if you'd want to walk to the park with me or something?"

"Uh, sorry, Miku, I, uh-" desperately, Len tried to think up a plausible excuse, and in his hurry to leave, blurted out: "I have to go for a vasectomy!"

Len froze. What did he just say?! In front of Kaito!

A loud snort from the back of the classroom distracted Len from his thoughts and he flushed.

Miku, her brows slightly furrowed, left, saying: "Well, maybe another time!"

After she had left, Len put his head in his hands, his face entirely red. Kaito was still laughing, and Len turned to face him, a hint of a smile tugging at the corners of his lips.

And from that day on, he and Kaito became friends.

- The next day -

Kaito slid into his seat next to Len. "So, how was the vasectomy?"

"You know I just said that to get rid of Miku," Len muttered, fiddling with the pen in his hands.

Kaito chuckled, and said: "so you're Len Kagamine? I'm Kaito," - I know, Len thought to himself- "it's nice to meet you!"

Len smiled, and nodded at Kaito, not trusting anything he said not to come out as garbled bullshit.

He turned back to the teacher, and tried in vain to concentrate on what she was saying. However, he was too distracted by the fact that Kaito's and his shoulders were almost touching, by Kaito's slim hands, by the soft sound of his breathing, by the faint smell of Kaito's shampoo.

When the bell rang, Len let the breath he didn't know he was holding out with a hiss, and stood up. Kaito did the same, and touched Len's arm lightly.

Len started at the touch, and turned slightly to face the blue haired boy. Blue was a strange colour for hair, Len decided, but it looked amazing on Kaito. He wanted to run his fingers through it-

"Did you hear what I said?"

"Eh?" Len flushed, absentmindedly fiddling with the hem of his school shirt. He felt like a shojo heroine.

"I said, did you want to get lunch together?" Kaito chuckled again.

Len liked Kaito's laugh, and he wanted to hear it more often. It took him a few seconds to grasp what had preceded the cute laugh, but when he did, he opened his mouth, almost unaware of his surroundings. "Sure!"

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