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You'd just arrived home, grocery bags in-hand. It was dark, you figured she'd be sleeping by now. You put down the bags, careful not to spill anything inside it, then searched for the light switch. You find it, and then flicked it on.

Surprise paints your face when you hear a tiny voice call out your name, shortly followed by a yawn. "..What are you doing up so late?" You questioned her, not expecting your sister to be awake at this time of night. She pointed her finger at you. "Late." Then made a sound you could only imagine to be her being angry at you.

You let out a sigh. "I'm sorry, I fell asleep on the train and I had to pick up groceries." You pause to think for a compromise of some sort. "Why don't I make it up to you by reading you a story tonight, hm?"

She made a sound of acknowledgment, nodding happily to that. "But first, why don't you help your dear brother set these aside?" You gestured to the grocery bags. "No." Her response was quick, but it wasn't surprising. She is a five year old after all. You chuckle dryly, picking up the bags and walking over to the kitchen. You open up the refrigerator, and start placing the groceries inside. Making sure everything was in its place, you closed the door. "Alright, I hope you didn't wait too long- Uh.." When you looked back, she was nowhere to be seen.

"Couldn't wait, huh?" You muttered to yourself.

You pack the plastic bags into a drawer, saving it for later use. Then headed over to her room, taking two kid's books with you. You and your sister weren't related by blood, but you still love her and treat her like she really is your younger sister. Even if everything else is crappy, at least you have her with you. "Hey, sleepyhead, you ready for story time?"

She nodded eagerly under her blanket, all snuggled up and ready. You smiled at that, and sat down beside her. You presented to her two children's books; One was titled 'Cinderella' and the other was titled 'Goodnight Precious'. "Which one do you want tonight?" You asked her. "Cinderelly." She points to the 'Cinderella' book, then pulled her hand back and readjusted herself in her bed. "Alright, Cinderelly it is." You repeated to yourself, setting down the other book. Opening up the one she chose, you started reading the first sentence out loud. "Once upon a time, there was a simple and beautiful girl named Cinderella.."


As you muttered out the last few sentences, you closed the book with a tired smile on your face. Taking notice of the fact that she was already fast asleep when you were done. You guessed that it was time for you to hit the hay too, looking through all the things you'd done today..

Then the realization hits you like a car hitting a deer on the road- The watch. You carefully get up from the floor, walking out of her room to think properly. Closing the door behind you, you thought to yourself that 'This doesn't count as stealing if you didn't do it.' and 'Maybe someone just gave it to you— a total stranger on a train —because they didn't want it anymore.' But who would give away a golden pocket watch. They could've easily just sold it if it was no importance to them anymore, instead of handing it to a random guy. You curse under your breath, hoping your sister didn't overhear. "..Whatever, I'll think of what to do tomorrow, I'm exhausted and in need of sleep," is all you say, before passing out on the couch.



heyy, i'm back. and i am very sorry for not putting up any new parts (and for ending this one with the reader falling asleep again) .....if there is anyone reading this fic i wrote, thank you to the ones who are!! i won't be writing regularly, but i'll try posting biweekly :3 until the next chapter, uhh bye bye! (happy pride btw!)



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