Chap 26 : Coaching lessons from a Bi man

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Emiko's Pov:

From the moment she sat down on that chair in front of Makoto, Emiko's mind had been occupied. She's absent-mindedly stirring her coffee, while adding teaspoon after teaspoon of sugar. The sugar swirls around and melts in the hot drink.

Why would CeCe break up with me?

Have I really been treating her and the others terribly?

Have I been a terrible girlfriend?

I feel so bad...

"-ko-san! Emiko-san! Your coffee is going to overflow with all the sugar you added!"

Emiko blinked out of her blank state and drops her spoon in her cup with a clank, "Oh! Shit, sorry!" Some bits of coffee had splattered onto her clothes and she frowns, "Ah...I hope that'll wash out."

"Wait, I have something." Makoto fishes out a thin packet of wet wipes from the inside of his brown jacket. "Here, it's scented too." He adds with a smile.

Emiko smiles slightly at the added tidbit and takes the offered tissue. "Thanks, dear." She jokes and grins when Makoto blushes from embarrassment.

She peels the wet wipe from its packaging then wipes the front of her shirt best as she can. After, she glances up and smirks when she sees two approaching figures. "Ooh~ Looks like our VIP has arrived~"

Makoto flushes red from head to toe and straightens in his seat. "Haru's here?" He whisper-shouts. He takes a quick glance behind his shoulder and squeaks when he sees Haru, and makes eye contact with him.

He swivels his head back around so fast that Emiko is surprised that his neck didn't break. "What do we do?" He whispers with panic in his tone, and she grimaces.

Maybe they should have rehearsed what they were going to say and do beforehand.

At that moment, the earpiece in Emiko's ear crackles with static and Rin's voice is heard.

'Okay, Rei just left Haru alone for the time being. You and Makoto have to act lovey-dovey now'

Emiko presses a finger to the earpiece, "I don't think Mako is in any state to act lovey-dovey right now. He's too flustered from seeing Haruka." She can basically hear Rin roll his eyes and he groans, while she herself laughs.

'No choice then. You'll have to lead him. Try flirting with him, that might work.' Rin says.

Emiko panics a little, "Flirt? I can't flirt with him! I've never flirted with a guy before!"

There was a pause as Rin processes her words (somehow he still came up with the wrong conclusion). 'What do you mean you've never flirted with a guy before?' He asks incredulously, 'How did you even get a boy-nevermind! I'll flirt with a guy for you!¹'

Emiko blinks in surprise. She has so many questions she wants to ask him now even though now was not the appropriate time. "Have you flirted with a guy before, Rin?"

'That isn't important right now. Just focus on the target.'

"Did you just call your friend a target?"


"OKAY, jeez! I'm sorry!" Emiko exclaims a little too loudly that it catches the attention of Makoto, who looks her way with a curious look. But most importantly, it caught the attention of Haru, who has turned his head and has finally noticed them sitting there.

"What's going on?" Mako asks and Emiko just replies, "Follow my lead."

'Ok, just say to Mako-'

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