Chapter 1: New Era

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Hi, my name is Lykan Constitution H. Massachusetts, and I'm 25 years old. I was born on April 4, 6409. Currently, I reside in Jupiter, Nexus Platernum, a city renowned for its massive eye storm. We exist in a future era.

Physically, I am a semi-muscular individual with red hair that stylishly points backward. Professionally, I am a member of the UNDERWOLVES, a group dedicated to protecting the innocent people of our world, even if it means sacrificing ourselves. We possess unimaginable powers, but personally, I consider myself a Fighter and Assassin with no inherent abilities. I rely solely on the power passed down to me by my grandfather.

The weapons I utilize are a Katana and Bow, which have a futuristic appearance inherited from him. Specifically, I wield the Monomolecular Katana known as the Takemikazuchi Blade. Additionally, I also possess a non-powering blade, which I keep as mementos. These weapon are undeniably overpowered, and naturally, I feel nervous when wielding them.

The legacy of my grandfather means everything to me. Not only did he pass on his weapons, but he also trained me in formidable techniques. However, when I was 15 years old, he tragically passed away. I can still vividly recall his last words, filled with a selfless offering. He expressed his willingness to give me his eyes, a power that could unveil the weaknesses of others.

My grandfather had devised a ritual for the transference of his eyes. Despite the excruciating pain, I endured it with unwavering determination, knowing that I would inherit his extraordinary power. With boundless excitement, I realized that I now possessed my grandfather's abilities. However, my elation was abruptly cut short as I witnessed him succumbing to his injuries. Tears streamed down my cheeks as I sobbed uncontrollably, witnessing his outstretched hand reaching towards my face. It was a heart-wrenching moment, forever etched into my memory.

After my grandfather's funeral, everything changed. I struggled to move on, but I persevered. Now, as a teenager, I still haven't fully unlocked my powers. I feel trapped, like a nut within its shell, with no way to crack it open. However, since my grandfather bestowed his power upon me, I have gained some extraordinary speed and strength.

This speed goes beyond ordinary capabilities, providing me with endurance and agility, allowing me to blink and dash. Meanwhile, the strength I possess is awe-inspiring, making me formidable and powerful.


Present Year

No one's POV

Lykan, tired from his day's work, sat at his office desk, engrossed in the task of completing unfinished files and documentation papers. He had recently returned from a mission where he had provided assistance to his teammates on the battlefield. The weight of his responsibilities weighed heavily on him, and he let out a grunt, feeling the pressure of his serious commitment to his job.

As the night grew late, nearing 10 PM, Lykan decided to take a much-needed break. He stepped out onto his balcony, craving a breath of fresh air to rejuvenate his weary mind. The balcony was adorned with a variety of beautiful flowers, their gentle aroma of lavender wafting through the air, creating a calming atmosphere.

Looking up at the night sky, Lykan's gaze fixed on the stars, their twinkling lights offering a sense of peace and tranquility. He allowed himself a moment of quiet contemplation, finding solace in the serenity above. After a while, his attention shifted downward, towards the cityscape below.

From his vantage point, Lykan observed the bustling city below. Hover cars smoothly glided through the streets, carrying people to their destinations. Pedestrians strolled along the sidewalks, going about their nightly activities. Spaceships soared through the sky, some venturing off into the vastness of space. The sight of the city's constant motion and activity left Lykan with a mixture of awe and introspection.

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