Hobnockers and The Zombie Hunter

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It's been a week since the apocalypse had started. I decided to take Nash out of the cage since he wouldn't bother leaving the safe zone.

I knew that I had to start killing these hobnockers that people called zombies. I was browsing threw Craigslist to find strands of hair, when I saw the perfect add, it read "Deandra, the new girl: Zombie Hunter". This add was just what I needed.

I decided to ring her up. As I go and grab my football phone, I see a blonde, fake, disgusting, smelly wig. It was Hannah's. I had completely forgotten about my job as Hannah's manager. Or as she like to call me "slave"

I knew I had to go to work, but I had to kill the hobnockers first. It would help if I had backup. I call the number that was listed. Once the Zombie Hunter answers I tell her about how I needed backup to kill the zombies.

The pay was a hard bargain, about $750,000, this was my rent money. I knew from others Deandra just so happened to love pie... I decided to send her a text, with a pie emoji, and the words "want some?"

We decided to meet tomorrow to discuss the hobnockers and pay at Buffalo Artichokes.

"Alright Roxy. It's finally time. You've been training all your life for this. Who's the best? You're the best." I say to myself to bring up my self-confidence.

Authors Note: ;)

Sorry you guys are needy and think I should update more. My friend Regan said that I needed to add in a character but I wasn't sure who and how they came into the story. Please share this your friends, I'm sure they'll love it. And vote for the story. I want to win the Wattys

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