School for The Criminally Gifted Chapter 2

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Clucking my tongue, I leaned my chin in my palm while I watched in satisfaction as the trembling human sat across from me, looking like his head is about to implode. At least he wasn’t like that Elizabeth girl who tried to knock me out the moment I told her about this school.

“You may ask questions at any time, you know. I can’t exactly promise you’ll like the answers, but you really have no other choice in the matter. I own you.” I purred.

He physically winced and paled at my last statement and I couldn’t help but grin at the obvious fear he felt as his heart hammered against his ribcage.

Finally after a few moments, he spoke.

“Are you human…?”

I laughed whole heartedly.

“No, Adam. I am not. Thank you for not asking if I am going to drink your blood; that would have been the third time I would have been asked that.”

The corner of his lips twisted up a bit in a half smile.

“So I can definitely say you aren’t a vampire then, huh?”

“No, Adam. I am not a vampire, but there are several of them here. And if you’d like, you could be one as well.”

His eyes widened and he sat up, the lanky chains hooked onto his jeans clinking together.

“I don’t know what to ask first; if vampires are really real or what you mean by I could be one.”

I nodded, crossing my legs and folding my hands on my desk.

“I understand how overwhelming this is for you, Adam. You are just going to have to adapt to it or you won’t survive in this school.”

“P-People have died here?!”

I nodded.

“Yes, those who couldn’t handle the rules and pressure of being a demon did not survive. Or there have been some who have been attacked by another student.”

He ducked his head down and held it with his hands, as if keeping it from falling apart. Considering the fact that he hasn’t tried backing out or running away at this point is truly impressive. I can remember many who have tried and failed to leave...  

No one leaves this school until graduation. And if they do, it’s normally in a casket.

“Adam, this school works in an organized fashion. While you are a Freshman and Sophomore, you will learn the basic training in the field chosen for you. Then when you have proven to me you are ready to take the next step, you will undergo a transformation to the demon of my choosing. This will happen when you are a Junior or even for some a Senior.  Do you follow me so far?”

He nodded eyes wide and skin pale.

“Now, for someone like you who is transferring in the middle of your Sophomore year, it’ll be a bit different. You will undergo a mixture of the classes you would take if you had come here as a Freshman and some you would take your year as a 10th grader. The course of training you will take will be chosen by me.”

He nodded again and I listened closely, smiling when I heard his heartbeat calm down.

“Now, Adam. I know for a fact your mother was half lying earlier when she was explaining why you are here. If you have no true criminal aspects then we will have to take…different measures.”

My smile faded a bit. He squirmed in his seat in a classic human fashion.

“She wasn’t lying about getting into a fight; that happened. I busted this kid’s jaw and broke it.”

I nodded and stood up, going to stand in front of him and leaned against the front of my desk.

“Why was the fight started?”

He sighed, dropping his head into his hands.

“He’s just some kid that I never got along with. I was minding my own business when he came along and instigated me. First it was just verbal; him yelling at me then I started screaming back. Next thing I remember was seeing red then he was on the ground holding his chin…”

His voice trailed off and his grey eyes glazed over, no doubt recalling the fight in question. I stared at his expressions, trying to see even a sliver of pleasure in his recalling of the memory, but saw none. Only regret shined in his creased eyebrows and widened pupils…

“You say you saw red? Have you had a past of blacking out when your temper flares?”

I tapped my chin; hoping to find something remarkable in this child…if I can’t then this’ll become tricky real quick. I’m exposed and it is quite difficult to erase a human’s memory, especially a male’s.

His ears and neck flushed a bright pink and I had my small victory; this isn’t the first time he had blacked out.

“No, it would be the third. The first time was a year ago when my mom’s boyfriend at the time picked a fight with me. I just got so…angry and then it was the same result. I saw red spots and my body moved of its own record. He was out the door with a broken nose and a bad attitude.”

He scoffed and that’s when I saw the pleasure in his small smile. Here’s my loophole…

“Well, I believe we have found your criminal aspect; your anger. It sure as hell won’t help get you a girlfriend, but people like you are needed in Hell.”

He blinked in surprise then frowned.

Before he could question me, a knock on my office door caused us both to look up. Sighing, I fixed the red spectacles on my nose.

“Come in!”

Luce opened the door, her human guise gone. Her long midnight black hair slithered down her arms and stuck to her waist, two horns extruding from her head and curling like goat horns.  Her canines poked her lower lip as she smiled.

“Marcy, Mathew is here.”

I smirked and glanced at the gaping Adam who stared at Luce’s eerie violet gaze and change of clothes from her human disguise to a short violet tube skirt and a black button up with a pair of horns embroidered in silver on the pocket of her shirt.

“Perfect timing, Luce. Come, Adam you will see firsthand what you’ll be working toward this year. A transformation we call The Birth.”

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 14, 2013 ⏰

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