Chapter 11: The Patient

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Tenguu City


Shido quickly came to terms with his existence and reconciled with his parents, although he never saw them the same ever again. He was also particularly nervous around his mother as nobody knew what she was at all. However, Shido still loved his mother since she never hurt him in any way and loved him his entire life, so Shido didn't really distance himself from Reine too much.

In contrast, Shido was much closer to his father since he revealed all the details about his life as the Welsh Dragon without leaving out a single detail. Shido often came to his father to hear his stories since they were very exciting and intriguing. David also gave Shido the ability to detect and identify anybody who was associated with the supernatural by giving him a special sense which helps him detect supernatural energies. On top of that David and Reine helped Shido develop his ability to communicate telepathically with them, since they share the same energy.

Tohka had also regained the motivation to begin practicing Kendo again. She remembered all the times when she had enjoyed it but stopped completely after everybody had lashed out at her for losing to some stranger. Tohka picked up her bamboo sword for the first time in a long time, and with encouragement from Shido, she slowly began to redevelop and train her skills once more. Tohka had already joined the Kendo club in Raizen High School. She quickly rose through the ranks and impressed many of her peers in the club, unaware that Tohka was previously a Kendo champion. So, the leaders of the club decided to give her a senior position in the club and allow her to teach other members.

3 weeks have passed since Ellen failed to capture Shido and left Tenguu City to go back to London. So, as of now, Shido was safe and could go back to school. He also accepted Tohka's confession the other day and they started dating. Shido and Tohka actually loved being together, although Origami was really jealous and continued to pretend to be Shido's legitimate girlfriend and be around him at all times, causing Tohka to argue with Origami a lot.

But even though they were safe for now, this wasn't the time to slack off and continue living as if nothing had happened. Shido and his friends faced an almost near-death situation, and they were not even aware of it, so everybody has to make preparations to become stronger and recruit the other eight Sacred Gear Users in Tenguu City.

Sunday, 9.00pm

Shido was sitting alone at the dinner table thinking about the recent events that had happened. He remembered that part of Origami's backstory where she mentioned Akeno and Koneko trying to take her away from her parents which led to total disaster for everybody involved and forced Origami down a chaotic path. He also thought about the time David told him about Issei's death being staged the whole time and was only resurrected because he had a powerful Sacred Gear.

Shido turned to the counter to see his mother finishing up his bento for tomorrow lunch, and then turned to the living room to see his father sitting down quietly and scrolling through his phone.

Shido called out to his father: "Dad, could we talk for a moment?"

David looked up from his phone and turned to Shido, before asking: "What is it, son?"

Shido: "It's about Tohka and Origami. I would like to ask you how I should protect them from external threats such as Rias Gremory and her peerage who destroy innocent people's livelihoods and forcefully make them part of their peerage simply because they have a Sacred Gear. I don't want anybody like that to ruin Tohka or Origami's lives."

This response prompted David to get off his chair and walk towards the table. Reine had also taken note of the conversation that was happening, so she was also paying attention.

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