Chapter 17🖤.

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Demetri's POV

It's Monday. Me and Apollo haven't spoken since Saturday when all that happened.

I honestly have no intention on speaking to him at all. Like I said...he doesn't have to worry about me anymore and I meant that.

I did my regular morning routine and got ready for school. Since I wasn't with Apollo anymore, I drove my car to school. Good thing I still paid for my parking spot.

It honestly felt weird to not be around him. But forget him. I don't need him and he doesn't need me.

I arrive at school a few minutes before the bell rings.

I didn't really feel like dealing with anyone. So I just say in my car until it was time for me to go to my first class.

I walk in and see Tyrik is sitting in my desk.

I walk over to him and hopefully he gets the memo that I want him to get up.

"Wassup shawty?" He says as he looks me up and down licking his lips.

"don't call me that." I said flatly.

"Why? You ain't with Polly no more from what he told me and the gang Saturday." He said as he rubbed his hands together. "He called us sounding like a lil bitch bro" he scoffed.

"Look. You don't worry about me. Just worry about getting your cocky ass up out my seat and up out my presence" I said as I pointed my fingers in his face.

"Man whatever." He said as he got up slowly. "But if you ever need something else to sit know who to call." He added. Staring at my ass as he walked away to another desk.

Ugh. Such a fucking creep.

Class started and we got to taking notes. For some reason I couldn't focus. My mind would freeze or just drift off to something else.

I don't feel like myself right now.

I asked the teacher if I could go run to the office real quick. But all I did was step out can call Monty.

"Yo wassup lil bro?" He said answering the phone.

"Hey, are you at school?" I asked him.

"Uhhh yea I'm in the teachers lounge." He said. "You okay?" He added.

"I really don't feel good right now. You think you can sign me out so I can go home? I'll ask my teachers for all the work for today so I won't miss anything." I said.

"Uhh yea just go back to your class and they'll call you in about 5 minutes." He said.

And that's just what they did after I went to class.

I was honestly relieved to be leaving from school. I didn't wanna be bothered today and Tyriks disgusting ass wasn't making it any better.

As I'm walking to my car I look over to see that Apollos parking spot is empty.

I don't care...

I drove home and honestly couldn't wait to climb into my bed. It wasn't even noon yet and I was exhausted.

I got home and went to my room to curl up in my bed.

It was so quiet. So peaceful.

Until my fucking phone rang and woke me up from what was a NEAR nap.

I pick it up to see it's Sierra.

"Hello?" I said answering the phone.

"D? Did you go to school today?" She asked me.

"I did but I told Monty to sign me out so I could go home." I said.

"Good. Cause I didn't go today but I didn't want you to be alone I'm bio so I was just gonna come for that one class and bring my ass back home." She said as we both laughed.

"What's wrong though?" She asked.

"Me and Apollo broke up." I said.

"...I'm on my way." Was all she said before immediately hanging up.

After about 15 minutes, I heard a knock at the door. I'm assuming it's Sierra.

Once I got down stairs and opened the door, she was standing there with I giant bucket of vanilla ice cream.

"Are you fucking serious!?" She said as she walked in.

"yea, we got into a really bad argument Saturday-"

"tell me in your room my feet hurt from all this standing." She said cutting me off and walking to my room.

"Oh wait Sierra don't open the door yet my-"

"DOGGY!!" She said cutting me off again as she dropped the ice cream and ran to Obsidian who was resting on my bed.

For some reason he actually liked her. I mean...this is the first time they've met.

His tail wagged back and forth, he licked all over here. He even crawled on her lap and laid there.

He had to sniff Apollo for like 10 minutes just for him to pet him on the head.

"Okay now why did y'all break up?" She said.

"Well..." I said as I handed her a spoon so we can eat the ice cream.

"I was upset because he didn't come to the cheer competition. He promised me he would come and didn't show up." I said.

"Well maybe he had a good reason?" She said

"Good reason? When I asked him why he missed it, he said that he was playing the game and lost track of TIME. THEN, when I started getting upset, he said I was 'bitching'." I said causing her eyes to get big.

"I cannot believe he said that...let's slash his tires!" She said as a big smile showed up on her face.

"No no no. I don't even wanna talk to him anymore. I don't even know why I gave him the time of the day!" I said getting frustrated again.

"Do you still love him?" She asked me randomly.

"Of course I do." I said honestly.

"Well, do you want my advice?" She said.

"Will it involve me doing a 9 to 10 sentence?" I asked her.

"Aww bitch. But anyways, I think you guys should really talk this out. You love you, and you love him. I don't think you guys should let something like this ruin your relationship. Y'all have something very rare for this generation. And I see how happy he makes you." She says as she puts her hand on my shoulder.

"Look, I'll think about it." I said truly.

I did have to think about it. Do I really wanna work things out?

For the rest of time we just enjoyed each others company. To say me and Sierra haven't known each other long, she's a real friend. Actually it feels like she's my sister. She's had my back since day 1. And you don't find someone like her everyday.

After she left I went to take a shower. She was basically here all day. It was dark by time she left.

I went to take a shower. It was a pretty long and hot one. I really needed to say how upset and tense I've been lately.

When I got out and dried off, I saw I got a message on my phone.

From THAT number...

I'm honestly getting quite annoyed.

When I opened the message, it was a picture of Apollo grabbing me by my arm on Saturday. The message along with it said "I would never hurt you like he did."

Now I'm honestly getting really scared. And me and Apollo aren't together anymore...

What do I do now?

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