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" Mom you said I have grandfather then why don't we visit him" Yuri said with pout on her face as y/n hugged her while laying on bed .

" Yuri baby , your grandfather umm is very busy man . And he live so so far away from us. One day you will  meet him baby  " Y/n said

" But mommy  when ? My classmates always tease me and say that your mother does not have any family. And you are burden to your family " Yuri mumbled last part but y/n heard her and held her closer .

" Baby that's not true you know your grandfather once bought me whole candy shop because I said they have best candy's " y/n said making Yuri giggle.

" Grandfather is just like dad , he also buys you so many things " Yuri said giggling as if she discovered some hidden treasure.

" Will grandfather love me ? When I meet him ?  " Yuri said last part while yawning.

" Baby your grandfather will love you more than me and don't worry your little head about it.               Now Come on Yuri mommy is sleepy , let's sleep before your father comes and annoys us to death "

y/n said whispering which caused Yuri ti giggle.

" I HEARD THAT !!!!! " A voice said making Yuri to double over her laughter and y/n to giggle along her .

" Come on let's sleep "







With that both of them drifted into dreamland .

Watching them stood a man with smile on his face .

Closing the door he went to his office to check over some drafts related to his business

While working his phone suddenly rang causing him to frown and look at wall clock.

" Hello " he said as he picked the call

" Lee soo hyuk " a gruff voice said from other side causing soo hyuk to tighten his grip on his phone.

" Who are you ? " He asked in deep voice and recieved full blown laughter coming from other side of call.

" Not so fast , you will get to know soon tho. I just called you to sleep in early today tomorrow is going to be hectic for you " with that the line went off.

Hyuks eyes darkened listening to the so called threat. Clenching his jaw he called his security team to double the security around his wife and his daughter. Specially for tomorrow after all it was really important day for him.

Smiling thinking about it he began to do his work again. Unknown to him what his life held for him.


" Come on baby wake up " y/n said as she kissed Yuri on her cheeks and then on forehead .

" Noooooo~ " Yuri whined as she snuggled into her teddy bear.

" Yuri up now " y/n said in strict voice causing Yuri to get up and answer " I'm up , I'm up no need to go all strict mom " .

" Yuri you speak alot for your age don't you think so " y/n said.making Yuri pout .

" Mommy I'm a kid , if I won't speak so much then will you old lady " she questioned causing y/n to gasp out loudly.

" Y- you just called me old lady ?    "

" Exactly "

" Yahhh Yuri aishhhh you are the reason I'm growing so old anyways get up eat your breakfast and then get ready we have to go somewhere . Your father is at home . I have to go get something  from market till I come back I want you to dress up like princess ok ? " Y/n said to which yuri nodded her head like a baby.

" But momma where do we have to go "

" Its a surprise " y/n said as she exited yuri's room with big smile on her face .


Y/n roamed around aisles of supermarket collecting all the things that were in her shopping list.

From one aisle to another and then to third , y/n spent almost half an hour collecting all the things before proceeding towards billing counter.

Ring ring

Y/ns lips curved into big smile as she picked her call .
" Hey baby " y/n said

" Mommy dad is disturbing me. He is not letting me get ready. And he is eating my chocolates . DAD !!! ThOSe ARe MiNe !!!! " By the end Yuri shouted causing y/n to move the phone away from her ears

After few seconds y/n spoke.

" Yuri that's not how you talk to elders !! " Y/n scolded

" Surry mommy. Btw mom can you bring chocolates and some snacks and juice ......." As Yuri continued to ramble her list and y/n one by one picked everything she was asking for .

While looking for mint chocolate icecream y/n bumped into someones back causing her fall on the ground.

" I'm so sorry miss" the person said as he held his arm out to help y/n.

" No it's ok i was not paying attention " y/n said an accepted the persons help.

Standing up y/n collected her fallen phone from ground .

" Thank you " she said as she looked up towards the person just to find pair of emotional eyes looking at her .

" Y-y/n " that person said .

Ok so who might that person be ????

Any idea

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