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" It might be important , if it rings again pick it up " mr Kim ordered before continuing his food.

The rest of them followed his lead and ate the food.

After few minutes the phone rang again , the third time.

Yoongi getting fed up with this picked the call with irritated look while BTS looked at him expecting to know what was happening.

" Hello " he said


" Hello !

Boss we found a mole and it seems like they have sold our warehouse and shipments information to our rivals "

" Whattt ? Was this why you were calling me continuosly , you know the drill . Then why bother calling me . If again I receive your calls on such mere matters I am gonna rip out your throat "

yoongi gritted out causing everyone present at table look at him and feel sympathy for men on other side.

After cutting the call yoongi kept his phone on vibration and rub his temples.

" Is everything all right kid ? " Mr Kim asked to which yoongi nodded.

" Yes dad , just some mole who sold our information , but don't worry I'll handle everything , let's enjoy for now " he said .


Yoongi felt vibration of his phone which was now inside his coat pocket.

Everyone one was done with dinner and were casually talking while drinking.

He excused himself and answered the call while sitting on his chair thinking it was from one of his men

Or so was he thought.

Or so was what everyone thought.

" Hello " yoongi said .

No one spoke from other side , silence could only be heard.

Feeling agitated he said again.

" Hello ?!!!! Are you gonna speak up or not . First I told you not to call me again on mere matter , and now that you have done quite opposite are still not speaking and wasting my time . I am not in mood right now so speak up what happ- " yoongi was cut off in middle by sound of sobbing.

More precisely sobbing which sounded like that of girls.

Listening to this , yoongi's heart clenched unknowingly and his eyebrows furrowed .

" Who is speaking ? " Yoongi asked in soft tone making everyone shocked .

" I- I Suga op-ppa " a tired rasp voice sounded from other side causing causing yoongi to stand up abruptly , making everyone follow his lead in alarmed posture.

" I - is it really you ? " He asked recieving a meek yes from other side .

" Oppa I - i nedd your help , pls oppa pls help . I am so scared oppa , I feel like I am alone once again . I don't know what to do. I am so confused , oppaaa plss I request no , no I beg you just help me this time . I know I have caused you all so much pain but please I want you right now oppa " y/n said and sobbed causing yoongi to tear up .

He never expected her to call him after seeing how she crumbled his phone number and threw inside her bag.

Deep inside he had hope , that she will call him someday.

But he never knew it would be so fast , and instead of his sisters happy voice he will hear her begging for help.

He never thought he will hear his y/n , the strong mafia queen begging one day.

" It's o-kayyy I am here ok baby , tell me what happened . Should I come to you ? . Why are your crying baby ? "

" Oppa , Yuri , she was shot and has multiple injuries , doctor said he won't treat her , Not only he but all the hospital's refused to treat her  , oppa she is dying ,
I - I can't let her die oppa she is so precious to me , oppa if she dies I will not be ble live . I cant live without her . Please oppa help me save her ."

" Shhh baby calm down ok , I am sending my doctor's team there , they will bring you and her here in Korea in private jet .

Within  3 hours we will bring you here and start her operation and by tomorrow that girl will be just fine ok "

After minute or two of consoling y/n yoongi hung up call with dark expression.

" What happened hyung who was it and why are you crying " jungkook asked causing yoongi to step out of his trance and look at everyone with heavy expression.


A tear slipped his eyes .

He spoke next words making everyone break down completely.

" I- it was y/n "

" My daughter ? She ? How ? " Mr Kim asked feeling emotional.

With that yoongi told them everything , from how he met her , gave her number , how she asked not to tell about her to anyone and why she called him

Listening to this everyone was feeling mixed emotions but emotion common in all of them was

Anger , on person who caused y/n to cry.


Happiness , that the beloved daughter , the beloved sister is finally returning home




Any thoughts ?

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