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It all started a few shitty years back, when we were kids.

"LYKAL!" I cringe, as I hear Ian shout for me.

I definitely shouldn't have pushed her into that pit. It smelled like waste, and some other word which was a synonym for waste. I remember mommy telling me, but I forgot.

I run towards Ian, to see her crying and smelling her hands and clothes. She was wearing her favorite Barbie top, which was bright pink but had now turned to sand black. I hate pink. I also hate girls, but that's different.

I slowly walked towards her to see her dipped in black and brown mud water, which smelled really very disgusting.

"I'm sorry Ian." I frown, as I maintain my distance from my smelly best friend.

"I AM NOT TALKING TO YOU EVEL AGAIN LYKAL!" She screeches and I cringe again.

This is why I hate girls, they are very loud and one more word starting with O. What was the word?

"Its Ryker!!!! How many times do I have to tell you that?" I groan and kick the stone lying on the ground next to me, but immediately gasp when it goes flying over to hit Ian on her forehead.

She looks at me, her brown eyes big and wide, before she starts crying hysterically.

I widen my eyes, as I move into the dirty pit, next to her crying form. She is crying loudly and I repeatedly start chanting a number of 'Sorryies'.

"I cannot say that lettel! You know that!" She is still crying, while rubbing her eyes with her dirty hands.

If Aunt Muller gets to know that I threw a stone at her daughter, she would bury me alive. I frantically start rubbing her forehead in an attempt to make the redness go away.

When it finally did, I looked down at her face, to see anger written all over it. If this were a cartoon, I would've seen angry flames coming out of her ears.

"I'm sorry Viana." I use her full name, in an attempt to sound sincere.

"I will not forgive you so easily." She has stopped crying now, and has a smile on her face.


Before I know it, I fall in the muddy water where I was previously sitting, to notice that she had punched me on my cheek. I feel a stinging pain, and tears well up in my eyes, but quickly get up and shove her down too.

"Don't hit me!!!" She shouts, and I know she is playing her game again. Like always.

She would behave like she is some kind of a Goddess, in front of mom and Aunt Muller, and I would have to clean the dishes in my house as punishment at night.

"Ouch! Viana please don't kick me! It hurts!" I shout back at her, fanning my hands dramatically towards my cheek. She gasps, and I look up to see mom and Aunt coming running towards me in my Backyard.

"Viana! Get up and go shower!" Aunt Muller screams, and I feel like smiling but instead I frown in pain. Of course, fake pain.

Her punch felt like I was hit with a single skittle.

"Honey? Are you alright?" My mom asks, as I look at Ian to see her running towards her house, making dirty foot prints with her little feet. Aunt Muller comes to me to check if I am alright. Wow, looks like the tables have..uh..that famous saying.

"Mom, what is that G word for waste?" I ask, as mom pulls me out, my clothes dripping with dirty, black water.

"Garbage?" Mom looks at me, clearly confused and I smile to myself.


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