That Shit.

44 4 13

Oh God no. Not again

"VIANA!" I hurriedly open the door of my car, and run towards the scene.

There are a lot of people gathering around, and I gasp.

I hope she isn't hurting anyone.

She's fighting again. 

"Viana! Don't!" I push people out of my way, to see Ian sitting on top of a guy, beating the life out of him. I sigh as I immediately bend down to grab Ian by her waist.

"NO! HOW DARE THIS DICKLESS DISGRACE HURT HER?!" She lunges violently towards the guy and I hold her back, trying hard while doing so. 

The guy had a hand pressed to his nose as he groaned in pain. His nose was bleeding and he had blood spluttered all across his mouth. 


"I will chop you into pieces!" 

"And then neatly place them on the table" 

"Then slowly cut even smaller pieces of those pieces!" 

"And then finally roast and eat them!" 


Wait, what? 

"You fuc-" 

"Shh. Easy there tiger." I whisper into Ian's ear, trying not to notice how scared the people around us looked. 

She probably looked like a fucking psychopath. 

"No Ryker, he forced herself on Layla! She was crying! On my goddamn shoulder!" She shouts again, and I cringe mentally. I hate the people who shout. Yet if I cringe right now, in front of her, I would be the one getting my balls roasted. 

"I know..I know. But look around sweetie, you look crazy." I state lowly in her ear, before deciding she wouldn't budge even if I tell her that her school got burnt. 

Friends meant a lot to her. They were important

I sigh, before finally coming to a conclusion. 

It's time to be forceful. 

I pick Ian up from the ground, as she fights and apposes me. 

I put her over my shoulder and hear her screaming a number of different, varied, unique, and self made cuss words. 

"Leave me alone Osbourne!" 

Now that I am a good distance away from the crowd, I grab her waist, careful not to touch her anywhere else and drop her on the bonnet of my red and black Mini Cooper. 

She huffs, before moving a little back, making herself comfortable, all the way, crossing her legs. 

I roll my eyes and move closer to her. 

"I know you're upset with all that happened with Layla...but you can't just beat the living shit out of a guy on the damn street in front of so many people and a fucking police station right in front!" I look at her angrily. 

"You don't get it! Lays liked him! She also felt like she fucking loved him. She was so wrong. I am so glad I did that to him. He deserved it." She spats, before smiling a little while later. 

Okay, she is officially creepy. 

"There was a Police station there? Woah that's so cool ohmygod! I am such a bad-ass!" She squeals, and I look at her warily. 

Does anyone know the number of a Mental illness center? 

"You're too much to handle. Anyway, listen. We have to go to that Area Ball that happens every year." 

"That shit where we need to dance in dresses and win nothing and meet our parents colleagues? No thanks." Ian rolls her eyes, and I smack her head. 

She rubs her head before shoving her index finger in my eye. I grab her leg and pull her forward so she almost slips. She manages to balance herself, before raising her foot to kick me in the stomach. 

"Bitch." I mutter as I hear her chuckle. 

"Yeah that. So this year, I am going with someone else, because you can't fucking dance." 

"Hey I can dance okay! I just need to be in the mood. I am not a professional like you."

I loved to dance. I discovered my love for dance when I was in a play in Grade 10, and had to learn a few swings. At that time, it seemed ridiculous. But, now after almost 2 years of training, I am loving it. I love so many more things, but dancing is just one of them. 

Ian knows how much I love Salsa, Jazz or Contemporary. Anything that involves swift movements of the body. It could be like a wave, or a silky sheet.


Ian's lingerie.

I try to stifle a laugh as I think about the incident.

So where were we? 

Ian had told me how much she admired me when I danced. She had a thing for dancers. I knew it. I also remember teaching her a dance routine from the movie Step Up 3. She messed up so bad. I remember the day she had a fractured arm because of the tough dance moves I taught her. How she cried and I laughed at her face.  

"Hello? Stop ripping my clothes off in your day dream." Ian smirks, and I look at her disgusted. 

"Me? Ripping your clothes off? You're kinda like a nightmare dressed like a nightmare." A cocky smile makes its way onto my face, as she gasps. 

"You did not just quote Taylor Swift!" 

"She's my spirit animal. A male version that is." I run my hands through my hair, my face faking a serious look, looking elsewhere, my lips pouting slightly, giving her an arrogant, player look. 

"You arrogant Player!"

That's what I was talking about ladies and gentlemen.

"But hey, you gonna find someone for yourself right?" I ask, not literally meaning it.

"Yeah. I'll ask someone. No worries." She smiles at me, as I return the expression. 

"Hey look at that!" She points at something behind me, and I turn around quickly.

Just as I do so, I feel a hand come in contact with my face, and I feel heat spread across my cheek. 

I turn back around, to look at Ian. Both of her hands covering her mouth, her eyes wide, as she looks at me, scared. 

"It wasn't intended to be that hard!" She squeaks, and if it weren't for how annoyed I was, she looked like the worried emoji. I would've laughed. 

But no

"You shouldn't have done that." 

Hello Everybody!

Another update. This was just a filler chapter, the next chapter would be much more exciting. I promise! 

Vote and Comment :) 


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 19, 2015 ⏰

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