012. still the same

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"We don't have to go to this party if you don't want to babe."

She sits up and turns to me, "I feel like all I do is rest. I want to get out of this bed and have some fun before I pop."

"Okay, just let me know if you need help getting ready," I kiss her before I get up.

She nods her head as she gets up and waddles to her bathroom.

Crazy how I'm watching my pregnant girlfriend waddle around.

"Baby maybe you should get off your feet you're waddling-

"Benjamin Phillips if you try to convince me to stay home one more time..."

"I just want you to feel comfortable."

She walks out of the bathroom and over to me, "Thank you for caring so much, but I promise you I'm okay. I'll let you know if I don't feel good, alright?"

I nod my head as she plays with my dreads.

"Alright now don't start nun you can't finish; keep playin with my hair and we ain't going no damn where."

She laughs as she turns around to continue getting ready, "Autumar please."

"Ima be in the living room."


About 40 minutes went by until she walks into the living room with no pants.

"Bae you forgot some-

"Boy don't you think I know that? I need help."

She is now seven months...and huge (she hates when I call her that).

I get up as we walk into the bedroom, "Now sit down on the edge real quick," I tell her.

I grab her pants as I put her feet through the leg holes. I pull them up her leg to where she can reach and she grabs ahold of them.

"There you go."

"Thank you," she reaches up to kiss me.

"Of course baby."

She stands up as she continues to pull her pants up and succeeds.

We finally make it to Princes party. Everybody is here. Like literally everyone.




Oh nah.

Looks like I can't leave Riley's side at all tonight.

"Alright babe go have fun I'm gonna go find Ivone," She kisses me on the cheek as she begins to walk away.

"No! I mean- no, it's okay Ima be with you all night."

"And why is that?"

"Uh, maybe, maybe because I just want to. Show me how the pregnant you has fun."

"Wick, baby, go talk to your friends, okay? I am going to be fine."

I sigh, "Fine. But please make sure yo ringer is on if I need to call you."

She grins, "It's on. Promise."

I kiss her and we go our separate ways of the house.

"Yo, is that Wick?" Wes says as he daps me up.

"Wasgud Wesley?"

"Don't worry about me bro, wasgud with you?! You're about to be a dad bro."

"I know, I know."

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