Filthy Rich

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There was only a word that could describe Aurora and her family's travel and it was:


Aurora was (to say the least) mesmerized by everything that she never thought she would see live in her previous life: the breathtaking and colorful scenery, the good food, the simple but beautiful way of living of the citizens of Rio that with their warm personality made her feel truly welcomed.

It was a paradise.

But not only that, in fact the blond child was also having a lot of fun, so much so that she thought she had never had as much fun in her two lifetimes as she had that week.

Indeed, how could a trip to one of the liveliest places in the world with three chaotic vampires be if not fun?

The only one of the group who prevented messes from happening was the one and only Rosalie Hale who found herself looking after not just one child (Aurora, her lovely daughter) but four.


(Author: Poor Rosalie)

Furthermore, from this trip the youngest member of the Olympic coven had understood how rich his family really was.

Not only they owned a private jet, a couple of elicopters (mostly used by Carlisle and Esme), a tank (part of Emmett's collections), but also most of the Brasil's private and pristine beaches.

And the famous Esme island?

Well, Aurora almost fainted when she discovered that it wasn't only an island but A WHOLE ARCHIPELAGO!! 

And that wasn't even the only one they owned!! (But this is another story ahaha)

And what about the fact that they booked more than half of the stores and restaurants in Rio to enjoy them in the evening without being bothered by tourists, all while buying anything made Aurora's eyes shine without her ever opening her mouth.

Specifying that a lot of things could make a little child's eyes shine, especially if that child in her previous life was poor and almost didn't leave home.

Aurora knew they had reached the point of no return when Emmett tried to buy a street performer because she had found his show particularly entertaining.

It would have been a cute idea if it weren't for the fact that the buff male didn't mean to book a performance for a later event...HE WANTED TO BUY THE POOR GUY AND BRING HIM HOME AS ENTERTAINMENT.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 19 ⏰

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