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An ordinary person and a big businesswoman meet at a fateful night from a tree, one being completely down to earth while the other is a typical introvert; Having to know that they share same friend circle yet they never met each other. 

A women who just got promoted as the Co-Chief Executive Officer of LAMAIRA GROUP.

A man who is barely surviving in this world with his family

Lisa who lost her father at a young age prays to protect him even in heaven;

Jungkook who loves his family dearly, swears on his life to protect them no matter what;

What's the difference?

 They both live for others, whether they receive the love that they give or not, they still find a tiny light in them, which keeps them going.

They both have the same motives to keep them going but life is never a simple path for anyone, whether a huge businesswoman or a normal citizen, life will fulfil it's duties to make it as complicated as possible.

Both are persistent in achieving their dreams.

Fate has destined them to meet so,

Turns out they actually know each other without knowing each other.


"Iter nostrum romance longe petitum est..."



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