CHAPTER 1 | First flower 🌺

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"Numquam aliquem iudicabis donec mille passus in calceis ambulasti"

5 Years ago - Roselyn at a conference with KBS Media

"What are your plans next for the growth of Lamaira Group?" The interviewer asked the CEO of the biggest enterprise in Asia.

"My plans are clearly going to make way for the betterment of our group. With the help of my daughter, my plans are definitely going to succeed in a few years." She answered vaguely.

"Who is your target market?" Another man threw a question.

"My group is already a huge business all around Asia. I have my eyes on the Western industry. With the help of our Allies Alliance Group, I'm sure we will increase our stocks through a worldwide scale." Roselyn answered, this time briefly.

"What if your plans fail?"

"The way we work at our organizations determines how we can lead and embrace change. So, it's pretty evident that, we just need to change the welted flowers to fresh young ones who can work."

"Shouldn't you water it first? Give it another chance?"

"Do you give another chance to a low-life criminal? It's just as it seems. If you can't do your work, you won't be. We don't need to make it complicated."

"How will you describe your situation right now? With the controversies of your daughter?"

"I'm not afraid to play with fire.


3 Years ago - Lisa at her high-school graduation

"I cannot believe we finished school so early." Rose beamed at Lisa who was preparing for her speech at the graduation event this evening.

"Not that surprising." She answered bluntly, expressing no excitement in her tone.

"Hey! Don't be such a sore loser. Shut the crap and be happy, that there are no more exams and stress." Rose tried to enlighten her mood.

"No exams? Yes. But no stress? Not really."

"Why not?" Rose being the curious chipmunk asked.

Lisa just finished an intense meeting with her family of three. Her mother, offering a deal where she will be under a contract for 7 years, which is until she is 24, will be under observation and will step in as the CO-CEO of Lamaira Group. Lisa was just 18, an indecisive teenager just learnt about adulthood, didn't think much and agreed.

 She knew she didn't belong in the world of business where everyone is selfish for their desires, money and wealth. But, it's not hard for an adult brainwash and completely manipulate a kid is it? It's exactly what Roselyn did Lisa. She grew up indecisive and not aware of the world out of her castle, and she knew business was not her thing but her mother had already injected the information that her happiness comes from money and through Lamaira group. 

She was trapped in a trench without her knowing. 

I mean, what do you expect from a child?

"I'll start work soon, with college." Lisa replied as she kept the paper filled with black ink down. 

"Don't tell me it's your mother again, the only reason people see you as a spoilt brat is because of her way of upbringing a child. She is a monster more than a mother." Rose spoke the honest words but Lisa was not having it. She loved her mother no matter what her mother would put her through, even death.

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