Chapter 1: The Awakening of a lost kekkei genkai

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Hello, my name is Silver Uzumaki-Senju this will be my first Story ever made. Depending on how well this Story does will determine if I continue it or if I make more Stories.

*(DISCLAIMER: I DO NOT OWN ANYONE IN THE NARUTO UNIVERSE)* * (P.S. Most of the techniques of the lost kekkei genkai are on the internet almost half are my personally made Jutsu's.) *
"Naruto" - Person/Summon Speaking
"Naruto" - Jutsu/Person/Summon Thinking
"Naruto" - Boss Summon/Demon Speaking/Someone Yelling
"Naruto" - Boss Summon/Demon Thinking

It has been 4 years since the Kyuubi attacked Konohagakure No Sato. At the same time, the Yondaime Hokage used the Shiki Fujin to seal half of the kyuubi inside himself while he sealed the other half in a newborn baby.

Somewhere inside Konohagakure No Sato A Blonde 4-year-old boy named Naruto Uzumaki was running through the alleys and the streets while a mob of civilians, chuunins, and jounins were chasing him while yelling "Get the Demon". Naruto began to try and run faster when he felt a sharp pain in his left leg which made him trip then Naruto tried to get up but he felt a wire wrap around his body, then the mob surrounded him and said: "Move the demon to the alley". they moved him to the alley and each started to beat up Naruto while he yelled in pain, but his cries fell on deaf ears. After they were done a chūnin pulled out a kunai but one of his friends stopped him and told him "Don't the Hokage will make sure we will pay the price because you killed the demon". The chūnin shrugged off his friend's arm with anger he yelled "I don't care the demon killed my family so I'll avenge them" With that, he slashed down until he felt a burning sensation filling his body, then he heard bodies collapsing one by one until he looked down and saw a fireball in his chest, and with that, he died.

The Hokage Tower - Hokage Office

The Hokage was a nice man to people he liked but to enemies, he is not someone you want to mess with, but nowadays he signs the paperwork and goes to meetings that annoy him to death. The Sandaime Hokage's name is Hiruzen Sarutobi he was currently signing paperwork until he felt it he felt a large amount of chakra being used he snapped his fingers then three anbu were kneeling in front of his desk "Yes Hokage sama" Hiruzen and the anbu then jumped out the window to investigate the chakra they felt.

The Alleyway 5 minutes later

Hiruzen has seen a massacre and lots of bloodshed, but the scene he is witnessing in this alleyway was something he has not seen ever since the war times. Hiruzen saw bodies of what looked to be civilians and a couple of shinobi but when he looked at the end of the alley he saw a small figure that looked badly beaten but had sunkissed blond hair. Then he widened his eyes because he knew precisely who the blonde was and yelled "NARUTO" and ran over to him as fast as he could, picked him up, and jumped away with Naruto in his arms with the anbu following behind him.

Konoha Hospital - Hospital Lobby 10 minutes later

Hiruzen ran into the hospital when the head doctor saw the Hokage looking distressed he ran over then asked "Hokage sama what's wrong" He then looked down at the Hokage's arms and saw who he was holding then scowled "Hokage sama why are you holding the demon in your arms" and sneered. The Hokage then signaled his anbu to take the head doctor to Ibiki the head of T&I (Torture and Interrogation). then he called over a nurse and told her "I want the best doctors and nurses to heal him nothing more, nothing less", then the nurse saw the stern look on his face then gulped, saying "H-hai".


Drip ...
Drip ...
Drip ...

This was the only sound that was heard throughout the sewer-like place around Naruto as he stood up he saw that there was very little light inside the sewer he was in he looked for a way to identify where he was so he could find a way out of the sewer he was in. He kept looking until he finally found a set of pipes there were 10 pipes 9 of the pipes were a reddish-orange type color and were about 5 feet wide. The last pipe was a blue pipe that was 6 inches wide, all of the pipes were going to his left down the long and more bright than his right hallway. He decided to go down the left part of the hallway, he walked for 5-10 minutes until he found a gigantic red cage with a piece of paper in the middle of it with the kanji of "Seal" on it. When he looked past the bars he only saw darkness until he heard a dark grunt then he saw a red-slitted eye open up in the night then another slitted eye appeared next to it and he listened to a dark growl from the eyes then he saw a giant fox with nine tails and rabbit ears stand up at a total height of 300 meters tall.

The next thing the kyuubi knew the blond was hugging one of his tails he had a shocked look on his face "How can a small child see me and not be scared of me enough that he even hugs one of my tails?" The kyuubi thought before he heard the small child mumble "So soft and fluffy" After that the kyuubi didn't know what to think. The kyuubi eventually broke out of his stupor so he made a grunting sound so he could get the small child's attention, he then saw the small child turn around and look at him and say "Can I please play with your ears" The kyuubi didn't know what to think but he just decided to let the small child play with his ears, so he lowered his head to the ground for the small child. The small child let go of his tail and then ran over to his head to climb upon his head to get to his ears, the small child eventually got to the ears and started rubbing and scratching them, which made him feel relaxed then the kyuubi sighed in contentment.

5 minutes later kyuubi decided to get on to the conversation so he coughed to get Naruto's attention and said "Kit I need you to stop playing with my ears so we can talk." After the small child got off his head he stood on the ground looking at kyuubi then asked "What do you want to talk about?" "Kit I wanna first ask you why you are not afraid of me?" After kyuubi said this The small child tilted his head in confusion and asked, "Why would I be afraid of you?"

This statement made think kyuubi think "Why is this small child not scared of me?" "You should be scared of me because everyone is always scared of me," The small boy said, "you look fluffy and kind to me." This statement confused the kyuubi but they moved on to the rest of the conversation. "The next thing I want to tell you is I'm sorry," the kyuubi said after kyuubi said this naruto looked at him like he was growing a second head. Naruto then asked, "Why are you sorry?" Kyuubi sighed and said, "I'm sorry because I'm the reason your life is like it is" The kyuubi was expecting Naruto to ask him why or tell him he hates him but was surprised when Naruto told him "It's ok I don't hate you."

This response made the kyuubi make his mouth open a little bit wide "Why do you not hate me? I made the villagers hate you." The response Naruto gave "The world is full of too much hate already so why should I add to the amount of hate already in this world." This statement shocked the kyuubi and made him wonder "How can a small child talk like a wise sage once said." The kyuubi decided to think about this topic later "Anyways I want to talk about what happened outside the mindscape." After kyuubi said this Naruto looked downcast for a moment and said "I don't hate the villagers or the shinobi, but I dislike that they attack me while being blinded by their grief."

Even though he is glad Naruto does not hate people it saddens him that he is attacked for a stupid reason. The kyuubi decided to get on with what happened outside in the real world. "Kit?" Kyuubi asked the small boy, "Yeah?" Said the small boy "Do you know what happened?" "I was about to be killed by that man then I felt as if I was pushing something away from me." The kyuubi nodded, "what you did was unlock a bloodline that was thought to have died out after the last user died."

"Oh," The small boy said now knowing what happened outside earlier. When the small boy thought about it the kyuubi doesn't know his name, and he doesn't know the kyuubi's name. "I just now noticed that I never told you my name and you never told me your name," the small boy said. once the small boy said this he decided to introduce himself, "My name is Naruto Uzumaki, what's your name?" The kyuubi started to wonder "Should I tell Naruto my name?" "I think I should because Naruto seems to hold no hatred towards me or the villagers when Naruto has full right to, Naruto might be the person The Sage of six paths was talking about." "Kit?" Naruto looked up at the kyuubi with a questioning look on his face, then Naruto asked "Yes?" "Since you trust me enough to tell me your name and treat me very nicely I will tell you my name ... It's Kurama."


I don't currently have that much of the plot figured out right now so sorry in advance if it takes a while before I create a new chapter for this story or any story in the future because I'm just thinking up ideas on the fly.

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