chapter 9

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I arrived at school to find the place busting with students . Everyone was either walking home or heading for their respected cars . I fastened my pace when I saw Jacob's tall figure . He was standing next to a much shorter girl . The girl was obviously flirting with him judging by the look on her face .

I shook my head and continued walking towards my car . When I neared the familiar blackness of the Jeep I immediately breathed out a sigh of relief . I squinted my eyes when I saw two figures standing besides the car , one of them being Jason .

I looked closely and frowned when I saw who it was . Hunter was leaning against the car , Jason standing in front of him as they exchanged words . I couldn't hear them from where I was walking but they both seemed relaxed .

Jason reached out for his phone inside his pocket and showed the older boy something which had them both laughing . What were they even talking about ?

It wasn't unusual for a senior to socialise with a freshman but what could he saying to my little brother ?  I had the sudden urge to know the guy in the face .

I twisted my expression into a sneer when I got closer to where they were standing . Jason was the first to notice me and when he did his smile slipped off his face . He whispered something incoherent to the guy next to him who turned his eyes on me .

" The fuck are you looking at ." I said to him .

Hunter stared for a few moments longer before letting out a choked laughter to hide his embarrassment . He didn't say anything back which had me rolling my eyes .

I unlocked the doors and got it the driver's seat before redirecting my rearview mirror only to be met with unfamiliar cold eyes . Hunter was inside my car , glaring daggers at me through the mirror . This guy had to have a problem with and before I could question him , Jacob entered the car followed by his twin brother .

"  What's going on here ? what's he doing in my car? " I asked as soon as everyone settled inside the car .

Jacob avoided eye contact as he got into the passenger seat . He took out his phone and busied himself with it . Jason on the other hand was fidgeting in the backseat . His eyes on Hunter who was staring back at me .

" I asked you a question Jason ... what the fuck is he doing in my car ?!"

" Uh oh , you don't want Joe getting upset . Might as well spill the beans dear brother ." Jacob spoke , his eyes still glued on his phone .

" Shut the fuck up Dipshit ! " Jason said , his leg kicking the passenger seat .

" No you don't answer to him , I'm the one who asked you a question so answer me first ." I said .

" He needs a ride home Joe . His car ran out of fuel and he asked if we could help him so I told him he could come with us . I didn't think it would be a problem . " Jason answered .

He was looking out the window playing nervously with his fingers . He knew how I hated inviting strangers into the car and yet he did it anyway .

" Do you even know this guy ? " I mused .

" No he doesn't ..." Jacob interjected .

" Shut up ! " Jason kicked the seat earning a chuckle from his twin brother .

" How can I not know him  , I'm not stupid . This is Hunter Park , the popular guy in school ... " he said and I rolled my eyes .

" So what if he's popular , that doesn't give you the right to invite him into my car . This is the first and last time I'm giving him a ride ."

" I'm cool with that ." Jason said .

I looked at Hunter again but he was looking at Jason with discomfort morphing his features .  Is this the Hunter everyone is boasting about ?

The ride back home was peaceful . Jason and Hunter were engaged in their own conversation  talking about football which I personally didn't care about .

Jacob on the other hand was smiling down on his phone the entire ride and refused to look away from his screen . Maybe someone was slowly breaking down the walls he built around himself . Jacob was a very trusting soul and I worried that he might be taken for granted .

He trusted people too much , even those who continuesly hurt him . I just wished he could open up to me then maybe we could have a bond . That's all I wanted .

" Where does your friend stay Jason ? " I asked over the silence .

Hunter gave me a confused look as to say why I couldn't ask him . I threw a daring gaze at him , waiting for him to say something because I was a ticking bomb . I just wanted him to say the wrong thing before I threw him out of my car . Eventually Jason gave me Hunter's address .

" Why do you hate Hunter so much ? " Jason asked , breaking the silence .

" Why do you care ?" I asked lowly .

" Because you're being a prick for no reason at all . "

" And why the fuck are you defending him , why's he so special then ? "

" Well unlike you , he's nice to me !"

" Oh please ... That's what he wants you to think ."

" You're delusional ."

When we stopped at Hunter's place he thanked us then left the car . I waited for him to go inside the huge house in front of us before revving the car and heading home . Something was up with that Hunter guy . I was getting some weird energy from him but I couldn't put my finger on what exactly was off about him .

" I don't like him ." I said to no one in particular .

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