chapter 13

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I woke up the next morning with a splitting headache from yesterday's events . I could literally see stars in my vision as I adjusted my eyes to lighting in the room . Jesus , why does it feel like I was drunk ? I couldn't explain why I was feeling so sick when I did not touch an ounce of alcohol . Maybe it was because of what happened with Hunter but I had my doubts .

I still couldn't believe what he had told me , it all sounded more like a fable to me  . But Hunter did not have any reason to lie like that which had me second guessing myself . I looked up at the ceiling in thought .

When I was about to sit up , it felt like a heavyweight was weighing down on me making it hard to move . I blinked my burning eyes before reaching my hand to my nightstand . When I got ahold of my phone , I brought it towards my face in a swift motion .

I switched it on but immediately regretted it after I was blinded by its brightness . I shut my eyes tightly before slightly shifting my weight in a comfortable position .

" Puffy go away ..." a disoriented voice whispered .

I quickly whipped my head in the direction of the door before creasing my brows . There was no one around but I could've sworn I head a voice seconds ago . The voice had sounded like it was coming from somewhere inside my room . I looked around again but decided that I had been hearing voices and went back to scrolling through my Instagram . There's definitely no one inside my room .

" Puffy , stop ... some of us are trying to sleep..." the voice said again and this time it was more distinct .

" What are you doing in my room , Jason ? " I asked through gritted teeth and the boy groaned dramatically . He had the audacity to act like I was disturbing his sleep when he was the one in my territory . I felt disrespected by him .

" Jason Crawford !" I shouted .

I was still in my laying position because I couldn't find it in me to sit up . My body was still heavy .  I couldn't see Jason from where I was but I could only guess that he was on the floor .

" How the fuck was I supposed to know that this was your room ? It looks similar to mine . Stop talking Joe , I'm trying to sleep ."

" In my room ?!"

" I just told you that I had no idea !"

" If that's the case then why are you sleeping on the floor when you could've easily slept on the bed . How did Puffy get in here though ?"

" I was drunk man and the floor seemed really comfortable ... I mistaken the cat for a pillow , I might've grabbed her on the way ."

" You're so messed up Jason . Seriously , you need help man ."

" And it's your fault I'm like this ... mom gave you one responsibility and you failed Joe ."

" What responsibility are you talking about ?"

" You were supposed to look after me , I was not allowed to drink last night but I did , all because of your negligence !"

" Are you fucking serious right now?"

" And the worst part is that you didn't try to stop me ."


I kept quiet because I wasn't in the mood to entertain him any further . Jason was being his ridiculous self again and I certainly slept on the wrong side of bed , so I just ignored him . I sluggishly sat up from the bed , supporting my upper half on the headboard . When I saw that he made no attempt on leaving , I spoke again .

" What are you still doing in my room . Leave ." I told him .

" Why do you hate me so much ?" he whined .

" Stop being dramatic and just go ..."

" I don't wanna , I can't use my legs ."

I sighed softly and threw my blankets away from my body . I got out of bed , wincing when I felt a shooting pain on my heels . Why the hell does it feel like I was running a marathon ?!

I stalked to where my little brother was sprawled out on the floor and crossed my arms over my chest . Jason's eyes were closed tightly but his lids kept twitching . It was obvious what he was trying to do .

He probably thought his little act was fooling me but I knew he wasn't asleep . I looked around the messy floor that's when I decided to grab Jason by his collar . I wanted to scare him a little and maybe he'd respect me .

He opened his eyes confusedly while futilely trying to take my hands off him . I smiled maliciously before yanking him up . Jason was bigger than me but he was light like a feather so lifting him up was easier . The boy was now thrashing his legs from under me .

" What the hell man ?" he said .

" Get up , let's go downstairs ."

" Get your hands off me before I scream ."

" Grow up will you ."


I slowly let go of his shirt and the boy fell with a loud thud . Jason groaned again before lifting himself up from the messy floor . There were dirty socks , a lone belt and a packet of condoms . My eyes widened when it registered in my mind that my little brother was already having sexual relationships .

" Jason , what do you need condoms for ?" I asked .

" Sex ." the boy answered nonchalantly while he picked the packet up .

" Are you active ?"

" I'd like to be ... but Hunter refused my offer so I mi-- "

" Say what ?! "

Jason looked at me with wide eyes before running out of my bedroom . He left his dirty socks as well as his belt . I looked at where he had stood seconds ago , my mind instantly replaying what he had blurted out . I was left perplexed at the confession .

" He said Hunter refused him ..." I whispered in disbelief .

Does this mean that Jason is gay ?


I was standing in the kitchen looking through my phone when someone cleared their throat beside me . My first reaction was to jump away in shock , dropping my poor phone in the process . I turned around swiftly and met eyes with Jacob . His arms was folded over his chest as he gave me a hard look .

" Why are you looking at me like that?" I asked but the boy shook his head .

" I can't believe you did that ... seriously Joe ?"

" What'd I do ?"

" You accused Jason of being gay !"

" I don't know what you're talking about ."

" Of course you don't , Jason told me how you accused him of trying to sleep with Hunter . I can't believe you ."

" Well did he tell you that he tried to seduce him ?"

" Jason would never do that ."

" Yeah because you know him so well . You know what , I don't have time for this . I'm going out ."

I hate this .

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