Chapter 1 - Endless Nightmares

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- 10 Years Ago -

The rocky ground is filled with lifeless bodies of fallen police officers. The moon casts its dim, yet vibrant light, revealing glimpses of bloodstains staining the concrete. Gunshots reverberate as a fierce combat has erupted between the forces of law and illegality. 

"1-46! Requesting immediate reinforcements! We have officers down!" One of the officers shouts at his radio, watching the criminals escaping the scene. "The dealers are getting awa-" Before he can finish his sentence, a fatal shot silences him eternally. His mouth hangs open, and he falls to his knees before he collapses on the ground.

Only four officers are left. A lost case...

The commander seeks cover behind the patrol car. The shots pierce the vehicle with the persistence of a rainstorm, puncturing tires, and shattering the windows. He is trapped behind the nearly destroyed shield, and his ammo is almost empty.

He recognizes the need to take immediate action before any more of his team succumbed.

Taking the risk, he cautiously exposes himself to take a shot at one of the attackers. Until, a bullet discharges from his pistol and another from the criminal's, creating in a simultaneous clash. One bullet finds its mark in the assailant's head, while the other pierces the commander's chest.

A brief moment of silence follows. His breathing heavy, looking down on him, noticing the blood leaking from his uniform. The bullet managed to breach through his armor. A silent and frustrating grunt escapes his throat, slamming his hand against his wounded chest.

"No!" Henry shouts, rushing to him. Right before the commander collapses to the ground, Henry reaches out and grabs him by the armpits, laying his upper body against his own chest.

Henry kneels down, holding him as he is bleeding massively. The officer places his hand against his wounded chest, he applies pressure to stop further bleeding.

He shakes him, before reaching out his two-way radio. "Bravo-2, Officer Jannete, we got the commander down! I need immediate medical assistance!" Henry shouts, before turning back to his bleeding partner. Holding him firmly from the back of his neck, he lets his back rest against his chest. "Come on, hound. You better not die on me!"

"I'm no longer a hound, Henry," he weakly replies. His breaths are shallow, gradually growing deeper, in an effort to take in more oxygen. The blood from his chest continues to flow, staining both his uniform and Henry's hands. "Look around you...I...have failed..."

"Don't say that," Henry interjects, pressing his hand more firmly against the injured officer's chest. The events unfold in a blur, a fierce dance of life and death."You will make it, trust me," he pauses, stealing a glance at the fleeing dealers. The last of them disappear into a ship, their escape now definite."We will get the hell out of here."

"We both know that's a lie," the commander's words are abruptly cut short by a bullet that shatters the glass just above their cover. "Run...request for backup- we can't let them escape-"

"Enough!" Henry demands as he watches his partner's words come out with difficulty. Reaching for the two-way radio again, he commands in desperation, "I need fucking medical assistance! Fucking move!" Beads of sweat mixed with blood drip down onto the commander's forehead, his eyelids closing gradually as panic takes hold of Henry.

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