Chapter 4 - Ryan Said...

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⚠️ Please be advised that this chapter contains mentions of suicide. If you wish to skip that part that starts with (!!!) this, you may read the rest where it starts with this (*)! ⚠️



You slowly blink, your gaze facing ahead at the closed window that reveals the grey, miserable world outside. The stitches on your left rib are still fresh, but luckily the pain is manageable. In the background, the beeping sounds of the monitor echo in a steady rhythm, capturing each heartbeat.

One grueling week has passed since your mother's brutal passing. The memories replay endlessly in your mind—the faces wrenched in fear, the piercing screams, the sheer horror, and your own life...a breath away from being taken.

You close your eyes, tears streaming down, trapped in a relentless loop of the abduction's events. The sight of watching your mother die in front of you and because of you, caused heavy guilt, a hard bargain that you found impossible to drive. Her funeral was the last straw. Only two days later, you attempted... by slitting your wrists...

The attempt failed, and now you're here, three days into recovery at a private hospital. Your forearms are wrapped in bandages and the color slowly returns to your pale face.

Awake now, and the pain continues.


Soon, a knock breaks the silence, until it opens, revealing Carlos and your father standing there, right behind him—dark circles under his eyes that are capturing immediatelly your attention. As they both step inside, a youthful, healthy fitted figure makes its own appearance right behind them. Someone unfamiliar. However, you don't even bother looking at the unwanted visitor they seemed to brought.

Your father doesn't say anything, just quietly observing your poor state as he takes a step towards you. It's the first time he's seen you since your attempt, and the pain in his eyes is noticeable. You can tell that he is on the verge of collapsing but he remains strong for your sake- or that's what you want to believe.

Because he didn't bother to visit you for three whole days...

The silence is loud enough. Carlos and the unknown guy stand guard right at the door while your father approaches you. Sitting beside you, he slowly and carefully takes your hand, protecting it in his, and a few seconds pass in tense silenceuntil he asks the question: "Why?"

You offer no answer to his question, your eyes instead meeting Carlos's gaze—the one who found you unconscious and stood by your side through those days. So... He. He's the one who knows why you did it all too well.

Suddenly, the youthful man who stands beside Carlos takes a step closer, making your eyes finally cast an indifferent glance at him. "Who's that?"

Your father follows your gaze and hesitates for a moment. "Uh- This is Ryan Simons. He's gonna...take over as your personal bodyguard."

Bodyguard? Fucking bodyguard? Great. The last thing you would want is to live with a literal stranger in your house, watching your every step. You want only Carlos. No one fucking else.

Turning away, you stare out the window. "I don't want him," you state firmly, not bothering to hide your dislike. "Take him for yourself."

"That can't happen because Carlos is the one that takes over my safety, you know that-"

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