Chapter 2 - Welcome, Mr. Kennedy

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⚠️ Please be adviced that this chapter contains disturbing scenes that might bring you extreme discomfort. If you wish to skip that part that starts with (!!!) this, you may read the rest where it starts with this (*)! ⚠️


You look at Carlos, before turning your attention to Leon Kennedy. Apparently, your new bodyguard. His gaze unwavering, scanning your entire appearance. The moment your father announces to you Leon will take over, you can feel the disappointment being drawn on your facial features. Any hope to stay with Carlos and your dad has vanished.

Now you will have to go through the same process all over again. Move to another home, live with another stranger, getting used to him around you, the challenge of placing your trust in him, and most importantly, losing your privacy and exposing your daily life to him.

You don't want to do this anymore.

"I see," is the only thing you can utter, purposely avoiding eye contact with Leon. Clearing your throat, your attention redirects to your father. "Dad, can we talk for a bit?...alone?"

Your father raises an eyebrow at the unexpected request but nods in agreement. "Carlos, Mr. Kennedy, please wait outside the office for a moment."

Carlos acknowledges with a nod of understanding as he and Leon make their way out of the office. As the door closes behind them, your father turns back to you, with concern etched on his face. "What's wrong?"

You let out a sigh, approaching your father with a heaviness in your steps. "Dad, it's not about the new bodyguard personally, but- I thought Carlos would take over. I thought I could move back with you—"

"Sweetheart," your dad gently interrupts, stepping closer to you. "We've talked about this, haven't we?"

"We did, but..."

"Believe me, it pains me to have you away too. The constant worry that something might happen to you and the hope that you've made it through unharmed every single day," your dad slowly takes your hands in his, holding them together against his chest. "But I'd rather know you're alive and safe, even if it means being apart, than grieving you too."

"But I'm tired, dad," you confess, your voice cracking as tears well up, fighting every urge to let them spill. "2 months...I haven't found peace. Therapy isn't doing shit, I can't sleep, identifications almost every day, away from you- now Ryan's death," you withdraw your hands, and your father remains silent, his expression a mix of sympathy and guilt as he listens to your heartfelt objections. Shaking your head, you turn your gaze to the floor. "I can't do this anymore. I just can't."

"I know it's overwhelming," your dad gently says. "But I need you to be strong. My team is now actively after the murderers' trails. Just- hang on a bit more. And once we make sure they rot behind bars, then you will finally be home with me, and start anew," he cups your soft cheek, his touch tender. "Do it for mom, hm?"

Your tears start to roll the moment you hear the triggering word: mom. A remindinder of why you are enduring all this, and willing to, for much longer, just to give her the justice she deserves.

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