𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 1

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Covering her body with sheets, Juliet held her breath and watched the man. When the man took off his bathrobe, turning her back to the bed, she saw his wide shoulders and strong back muscles, which were clearly visible in the morning light.

Impeccable, well-balanced physique resembling a smooth predator body, and an attractive angular face. Scars, both big and small, were scattered all over his body, but even they seemed to be a work of art. Juliet, it seemed that for a moment she even lost her mind looking at this man.

After taking off his bathrobe, the man wore a white, clean shirt.

Although it was a habit, unworthy of a noble duke with such a high status. He was a man who spent half his life on the battlefield and hated the appearance of his body, so he preferred to dress himself.

So, there were only two types of women he brought to his bedroom. Woman who was a mistress for one night, or a woman he wanted to use.

Juliet was the last.

- "... Maybe we both did it."

Reflecting on this thought, Juliet laughed at herself.

When she lowered her head on the pillow, Juliet's gaze met the man's red eyes. The Duke's eyes narrowed, at which point he put on cufflinks.

- "Did I wake you up?"

His interest was quite natural.

After their night, Juliet was usually so tired that the next day she couldn't even move her finger. Instead of opening her eyes at dawn, she usually slept until noon.

- "... No, Your Highness." Juliet answered with a sigh.

She threw away the sheet and got up. Now that he noticed it wasn't very wise to pretend to be asleep.

Juliet couldn't sleep all last night. She didn't sleep all night lying with her eyes open, but she was so excited and tense that she didn't even feel tired now.

- "I need to tell you something." Juliet said carefully, coming down from bed.

Her long hair, which she could judge, was clearly confused, but Juliet no longer cared about what she looked like.

No matter how much she tried to dress exquisitely, Juliet always looked shabby, standing in front of her lover, who shone like the sun. Compared to him, bright summer dresses were nothing more than modest pajamas.

- "Say it later."

- "Lennox," Juliet hastily grabbed the man's hand when he tried to turn away indifferently.

She won't have any future if she doesn't say now. It should happen right now.

Lennox Carlisle.

The youngest ruler of the empire, the Northern Duke of Carlyle, was Juliet's lover. And her lover was a very busy man.

They were always surrounded by people, so it was the only opportunity for them to be alone.

- "It'll only take a minute. It won't take you much time."

The Duke looked at the woman hanging on his arm.

Cold and heartless red eyes. Juliet shuddered at his indifferent and cold look, but did not let him go or look away.

After all, after a short silence, permission was given.

- "Okay."

When Juliet sighed lightly, the Duke sat down on the edge of the table. He took a silver cigar box lying on the table and took out a cigar.

- "Tell me."

- "Oh, it's..."

Juliet barely split her lips. She didn't know how to approach this topic.

Where should I start?

- "I..."

- "A gift?"

- "What...?"

- "It's a birthday gift, isn't it?"

- "... Аh."

Birthday gift?

Juliet, who was a little embarrassed by his unexpected intervention, only now realized it. There were only a few days left until her 25th birthday.

Duke Carlisle was never a caring lover, but he was infinitely generous financially. Having a rich, busy lover meant getting used to his indifference.

But her birthday was their only anniversary he remembered.

Only one day a year. That only day Juliet Montagu could ask him something.

The next moment, Juliet smiled wide and nodded.

- "Yes, that's right. It's about my birthday present."

Instead of paying attention to the sudden change in her face, the Duke slightly ironed his hair. He gradually lost interest in the conversation.

It was a simple gesture of irritation, but even from it there was danger.

- "Tell me what you want."

Instead of answering right away, Juliet unwittingly laughed. Seven years ago, when they first met, this man said the same thing.

- "Tell me what you want except marriage."

At that time, disgusted with his arrogant behavior, she made unfounded demands. But Juliet's lover was a completely out of reach for her.

For him, she was just annoying and annoying, like all her demands. Juliet was smart, so it didn't take long for her to understand it.


She knew he could calmly ignore her without blinking her eye. Juliet knew it better than anyone else.

- "I want you to do me a favor this year, not give me a gift."

- "Service?"

- "Yes."

A little shaken, Juliet continued:

- "... Do you promise you'll listen to me?"

Juliet held on so seriously that for the first time laughter broke off the Duke of Carlisle's lips. His usually harsh mouth curved in an attractive smirk.

It was an outright mockery. But no one would dare point out the arrogance of the young Duke Carlisle. He wasn't even afraid of the emperor. Lennox Carlisle's position could even provide him with a throne if he wanted it.

But it was just a mistress' birthday wish.

- "Okay. I swear," Lennox said dryly.

He seemed to be just playing with her to mock, but that was enough for Juliet.

- "Thank you, Your Serene Highness. I..."

Juliet smiled nicely and deliberately blinked slowly. And all this is just to keep the appearance of love a little more.

But the next moment, the demand that broke off her lips exceeded all Lennox Carlisle's expectations.

- "Please part with me."

- ".... What?"

- "Your Serene Highness."

Juliet smiled brightly and continued with an angelic face.

- "Let's put an end to what happened between us."

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