Operation 1 part 3

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"San lang?"

"Yes, gege?" Xie lian almost choked, how'd he find out he was a male? I mean shi qingxuan did his makeover for crying out loud! He was to stunned to say anything, he mentally shot himself in the head. "Wondering how I found out you were a male? It's quite simple, women would swoon over him, though he is displeasing to the eye.. Nowadays women would do whatever it takes to feel pleasure, but you had no interest in that. 2 things immediately came to mind, 1 'you were displeased with him and didn't want to find pleasure with him' and 2ndly 'you were a male' though the first one seemed likely, I noticed your addams apple stood out more like a male."

Yes, hua cheng lied, I mean, he can't just go up to him and say "hi gege, I know who you are in fact I've basically been stalking you for years!" Only someone stupid would say that! Ig women would actually find that hot, but that's besides the point!

"I'm impressed!" Xie lian chuckled, he surely was unique if he found that out within minutes, he mentally cursed at himself for not wearing that turtleneck dress windy suggested.

If hua cheng had a tale it would be waging like crazy right now, he literally just got praised from the love of his life, how was he supposed to act!?

Hua cheng decided between two responses, the first one was to say thank you, and the other was to put himself down to raise Xie lian up.

"Thank you gege, but that is not something to praise me for, for I am only just a low-life nobody, compared to you" Xie lian is stunned, how could someone so intelligent put himself down so much? "Don't say that San lang, you're intelligent, I'm nowhere near as smart as you" xie lian said hoping to change his mind

"Nonsense gege, you're way more intelligent than me plus you're extremely attractive, you must be a lady killer" hua cheng replied "actually I'm a man killer, I refuse to kill women" xie lian said with a straight face, hua cheng snickers "oh gege, that isn't what I meant" a look of confusion washed over xie lian's face "whatever do you mean then, San lang?" Xie lian asked "I mean you must be popular with the ladies" hua cheng answered "oh, I wouldn't say I am, sure I have a few female friends but I haven't dated anyone" Xie lian responded

"Is that so? I would expect someone so handsome to at least date a few women" hua cheng replied

AHHHHH I'm finally done!! I am so grateful for your guys patience! I hope you had a wonderful summer, I will not be uploading much due to school

Word count: 471

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 19, 2023 ⏰

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