Chapter 2

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After a good 10 minutes of walking, and another 5 to locate where my room was located, I reached the 13th room of the 4th level.

I took a deep breath, put the key in the keyhole and turned it. After a few seconds I pushed the door open and stepped in.

The room was an ugly grayish-brown, a once-white-but-now-a-faint-yellow carpet clashing with it. It was approximately 15x15 feet, a small kitchen built in to my right and the beds placed at the back. (A bunk bed and a twin-sized bed.) A couch sat to my left, along with a small coffee table and TV.

I closed the door behind me, resulting in a loud thud.

"It'th about time you got back, Polluth," a monotoned voice called out from the back of the room. I couldn't help but let out a small snicker at his lisp.

"I hate to disappoint you, but I am not this 'Polluth' you speak of," I replied.

A head shot out from the bottom bunk, "Then who might you be?"

"I, am Eridan Ampora. And who might you be?"

"The names Carderson. Castor Carderson." A neutral frown was upon his face, black hair slicked back into spikes. His eyes were covered by blue sunglasses, though he had an eyebrow cocked slightly higher than the other.

I pouted slightly at the loss of his lisp, but other than that kept my composure. I walked towards him, leaving my luggage at the front of the room. "Well it's a pleasure to meet you, Castor." I stuck out my hand to shake his.

He looked at my hand and, almost begrudgingly, shook it with his, "I suppose the same goes here."

He retracted his hand, as I did mine, "So, I'm supposin' that our other roommate is this  Pollux you mentioned earlier?"

"Yeah, that little dick is," he said with a grimace.

"Oh... How is he a 'dick'?" I quirked an eyebrow.

"He just is."

"Alright, whatever."

There was an awkward pause in the conversation.

"..So," I started, "what-." I was cut off when the door slammed open, Castor sighed in annoyance and I turned to face whomever just opened the dorm.

"Yo! Bro, I got the bee- who the fuck is that?"

My eyes widened slightly at the sight of the other boy who's looks were identical to Castor's. The only difference was he was wearing red glasses and, obviously, was wearing different clothes.

"Pollux, this is Eridan Ampora, our roommate. Eridan, this is my brother Pollux."

Pollux had walked forward in the few moments that Castor took to say this and placed a six-pack of beer next to his doppelgänger's leg.

"It's very nice to meet you, Pollux." I extended my hand to him.

"I wish I could say the same," he said, disregarding my gesture and moved to face  his brother, "Do we seriously have to room with pansy here?" He jerked a thumb in my direction for emphasis.

"Yes, we do, now make nice."

I crossed my arms, "I am not a pansy!"

"Well you look like one to me." Pollux said condescendingly.

I didn't answer, causing a silent end to the topic.

"So," I started again, "What are you two majorin in?"

"Programming," Castor replied.


"Really? That's cool."

Pollux shrugged, then bent over and took 3 beers from the pack and tossed one to Castor and I, "And you?"

"Drama and art," I looked uncertainly at the tin can.

The twins on the other hand, popped the cans over and brought it to their lips almost at the same time.

"Figures," Pollux said after wiping his mouth with his arm.

"What does that mean?" I shot back.

"Nuthin, just that those would be something you do."

"How would you know that would be somethin I do, you just met me."

"I don't have to know you. I assumed someone that looked as gay as you would have something like that be what you do for the rest of you damned life."

My eyes widened in surprise, my grip tightening on the beer, "Gay? W-where the fuck did you get that from?!"

Castor looked up, as if he was interested in the conversation at hand, and smirked, "Was that a stutter I heard?"

"Nev-vermind that!"

Pollux snickered, "Yeah, CS, we have more important matters at hand."

I swallowed, opting to look at the can in my hand instead of at either of the brothers.

"So, Ampora, are you saying your not gay?"


"Cuz, wearing what you are, I'd say you look pretty gay," he gestured to my clothing.

I was, at the time, wearing a purple long sleeved shirt that had 2 white, zig-zagging lines that snakes around the around the bottom hem and around the chest area of the shirt. Accompanying it was a pair of designer skinny jeans and purple and teal high-top converse shoes.

I did not, in any way, find it gay.

In fact, I had chosen that outfit so I wouldn't look, as Pollux said, 'Gay'.


"Just shut up."


"I said: Shut up. So what if I'm gay, do you have a problem with that?"

Castor let out a low whistle and muttered, "What a surprise."

"Maybe I do."

After sending a sharp look in Castor's way, I answered Pollux, "Well fuckin' deal with it." And with that I turned around, sat my ass down on the couch, opened my beer and took a long drink from it.

I cringed inwardly at the taste, for alcohol had never been to my liking, but in the end swallowed the last drop of it, now letting the empty can rest on the table.

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