Chapter 5: Once & Twice

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Chapter 5

"What is wrong with the both of you?" Jim was disturbed with the sight before her. Freen had her Kool Fever affixed on her forehead while Becky had her facemask on. It's Monday morning to begin with. They would be having their formal assembly and these two appeared oddly in the middle of the crowd.

"Freen, do you have a fever? And you, Becky, where the hell did you get that face mask? Why do you need to cover your nose and mouth? Are you having a flu?" This time it's Tee's turn to bombard them with questions.

"I just need to feel comfortable before it turns into migraine." Freen answered, stealing a glance at Becky. Did the excuse sound reasonable? Freen came up with the idea to cover her forehead with Kool Fever so that Becky would not see her in case she frowned. Becky somehow came up with her own strategy too. It's just that Freen also had no idea how it's possible for Becky to get the disposable face mask.

"I got my nosebleed again yesterday and it's just too cold here." Becky said, totally unconvincing. The Incredible Three could not comprehend it. They saw no correlation between getting a nosebleed and putting a face mask on and Freen, absolutely made up an excuse. She did not need the Kool Fever at all. Something was off between these two, but they could not figure it out yet.

"Ugh, whatever. You two have been acting odd lately. Freen, take off the Kool Fever and same goes to you, Becky." Kade ordered. She could not take it anymore.

Freen was about to protest when Jim added "Everyone is watching you and the teachers might notice it too, somehow. We don't need unnecessary attention here." Freen and Becky exchanged their gazes in hesitation before obeying the order.

"Come, let's get in line. The assembly is about to start." Kade, as dedicated as ever, made sure that everyone paid attention to that.


The Monday morning formal assembly was all about updating the events that had happened and what would happen sooner. It's always about those long dreading speeches from the principal or the teacher on duty and perhaps some awards for the best house of the week, the cleanest classroom or just some random awards anyone would care of, the same old routine. However then, today's special update caught everyone's attention especially the Incredible Four.

"Now, let's watch a little compilation of live update video from the ongoing students exchange program." The emcee said and the entire hall was dimmed.

Becky could not help but realize how Freen's attention was all drawn to the screen. The girl was sleepy the entire time but wide awake when it came to this part. What was so exciting about the student exchange update?

"I bet Neeta will show up later." Becky heard it clearly enough even though Tee whispered it to Freen. Freen acted indifferent, her eyes were all fixated on the screen, waiting patiently for the video to begin.

Who is Neeta?

The hall went silent as the video started. Becky figured out that the student exchange program is being carried out in the Australia where a group of students were sent there for a duration of six months. By now, they have completed half of their journey there. Occasionally the audience cheered up when captivating clips showed up on the screen and then came the last part of the clip where a pretty girl appeared on the video. Her beauty was enchanting enough to make everyone gasped. In fact, some of the students even cheered and clapped their hands when they saw her.

"Hello everyone. It's Neeta here on behalf of everyone for this program. Thank you for watching the video update by us. As everyone can see, we're doing well here and always trying our best to carry the honor of our academy. Thank you to the principal and teachers for giving us the opportunity to join this program. We appreciate it so much. We'll share more update once we return, alright?" The one who introduced herself as Neeta surely has her own charm. Every word that came out from her mouth was endearing enough to anybody's hearing. The way she talked and carried herself was elegant. She's just perfect.

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