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Third person pov:

Jay, Harry, Gil, Carlos, and Aurelia began trekking through the woodland, looking for Ben.

Jay walked closely to Aurelia, his eyes fixed angrily on Harry. Gil was distracted, eating mouthfuls of grapes off the bushes at a time.
Gil and Jay were in civil conversation.

"I mean, tourney eats up most of my time so..."
"Tourney? That's a wee boy's game!" Harry laughed a little, causing Aurelia to narrow her eyes at him. "Aww, don't get upset, princess" he said in mock sadness, running the edge of his hook along her cheek.


"Oh boy, something stinks this time, and it wasn't me.... Aurelia!" Dude came running up to her, ferociously licking her bare shin. She picked him up, giggling a little and stroking behind his ears. Right at that moment, a large beast flew out from the bushes, diving at Aurelia. It knocked her over, knocking the wind out of her too, before stepping back, shaking slightly.

"Ben?!" Jay exclaimed, his eyes darting back and forth from Aurelia and the monster.
"Aw, he's got a boo-boo, that's why he's so cranky" Gil said, nodding to his hand, where a large splinter was dug into Ben's palm.

"Oi! Jay! Yer lady's injured"

"Carlos! You're good with animals! Do something!" Jay urged, crouching in front of Aurelia, inspecting the cut on her arm. He quickly ripped a bit of fabric from his shirt and pressed it to her arm to stop the bleeding.

Once she was stood up, still holding the cloth to her arm, she saw Ben standing in a mostly human form, the only difference a beard, and fangs.

"Aurelia! Is your arm okay? I'm so sorry!" He immediately rushed over, throwing out apologies left and right.
"I'm fine" she said quietly, so that only him and Jay heard her.
"You can talk?!" He sounded surprised, and her stomach twinged slightly. She nodded, and Jay pulled Ben away to explain.

"Alright, little bunny?" Harry said, glancing at her arm. She nodded slowly, skeptical of his genuineness. "Quiet, aren't ya?" She shrugged a little. He raised his eyebrows momentarily, then walked over to the rest of the group slowly. She smiled, seeing Jane there.

"Aurelia! You.. look different!" She beamed, hugging Aurelia tightly. "You look adorable!" Jane's eyes studied the fluffy white bunny ears and soft tail that Aurelia now wore.


They had been reunited within Evie's castle. Aurelia chewed slowly on a piece of Jane's birthday, flopping onto an armchair in a random corner.

Interrupting the peace, thick wooden planks began fixing themselves to the windows and doors, blocking out the light.
"AURELIA!" Jay shouted. She put down her plate and ran towards the door of the drawing room, but before she could reach it, the same thick planks blocked the door, with very thin gaps between them.

"Jay!" She shouted, seeing a shadow outside the door.
"Bunny, that you in there?" The shadow was Harry. She smacked a hand over her mouth, realising he'd heard her voice. She felt her face burn in embarrassment. Well, he'd heard it now.
"Yes" she squeaked. Not only did she not trust him, she hated her voice. She hadn't started speaking until she was 12, and only then spoke to very few trusted people, such as Jay and Evie.

"Ok, okay... erm.. stand back from the door" he said, concern evident in his voice. She did as he said, making out of the way of the door. As she did, thick vines came through the gaps in the window panels, snaking through the walls and floor towards her. With one quick, hard movement, Harry smashed the bottom couple of planks with his boot, enough for Aurelia to climb through, just before the vines reached her ankles.

He pulled her up off the floor and close to him, and she felt like her heart was going to fly out of her chest.
"AURELIA WHERE ARE YOU?" Jay shouted again, as Harry pulled her by the hand, through the house. They were running, running running, until... dead end. The vines snaked up and blocked their way. They turned around, but the vines came closer and closer to them, dangerously close. Harry's eyes darted around, and he dragged her inside a little closet next to them, where the vines couldn't get to them.

She could feel her face heat up dangerously, and thanked the universe that it was dark.
"This is tight" he laughed a little, his hot breath fanning over her face.
She nodded slightly, her heart going a million miles an hour with their bodies pressed together.
"It's alright, little bunny. No need ter panic" he smiled reassuringly, his normal, non-hook hand brushing against hers, wrapping his fingers around hers. Her cheeks warmed again, as she heard a sword slashing, and thuds to the floor.

"Aurelia?" The door to the cupboard opened, a bright light showing, and Uma raising an eyebrow at the pair of them. Aurelia's hand was still in Harry's, the other in Uma's as she pulled her out.

Aurelia glanced at Harry before leaving to find Jay.


"What do you say girl? Time to wrap things up?" Uma smiled at Mal as they walked towards the castle, through the forest.
"You know, someday you're gonna have to tell me how you guys got all teamed up" Ben said, slinging an arm around Mal.
"Yeah, well actually Mal promised to let all the kids off the Isle when this is over" Uma smiled brightly.
"Mal?" Ben took his arm off her.
"Uh... I have to tell you guys something" Mal said, gulping. "I lied to you. The kids won't be coming off the Isle. The program's been shut down, for Auradon's safety."

Hurt and anger crossed Uma and Evie's face.

"Hold up, so we're saving you and your precious people's behinds, for a lie? I knew it was a mistake to trust you. And you, King Benny. You're just gonna throw us all back inside,eh?"

"You know what? I thought you were brave, but you're chicken. Too scared to tell me I was never gonna see my dad again!" Celia snatched the ember, and dropped it in a nearby birdbath, putting it out.

Whilst Mal desperately tried to reignite the ember, Aurelia's eyes darted desperately between Uma and Jay. Jay had left her without telling her for years. Uma hadn't.

Uma grabbed her wrist and began dragging her away. Jay was talking to Carlos, and didn't see her leaving.

"Bummer. Let's go find Gil and leave em to rot" Uma rolled her eyes, as Aurelia hung her head, travelling closely behind.

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