Sixth Picture: Shadows of Lust

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A week later, my spoon is placed back in the bowl as I'm sitting at my house table, trying to have breakfast calmly, but my mind is racing with the happenings of last Friday. I still refuse to believe that my potions teacher actually accepted my request, and we- in the near future are going to close ourselves in somewhere private. Then, I will witness the subject of my naughtiest daydreams strip down naked before my eyes, and I'll have to draw a picture of him, while maintaining my composure! Oh God, I was so stupid for suggesting something like that! I will definitely not be able to keep my head cool, I think the moment his clothes are gone, I might faint from arousal...

The professor didn't tell me any specifics about our meeting, when and how will we manage it, I was left in absolute darkness about how this session will come about. I expected some type of warning, anything, but nothing came. I thought maybe he'll pull me over in a hidden place on a corridor, or drop some kind of hint in the classroom, but no such thing happened. I started to fear that he decided to simply ignore my request, and to be honest I wouldn't have blamed him if he did. That was truly a moment where I wasn't thinking logically, and Snape will be the biggest moron if he puts himself in danger solely for my sake. No way, that's impossible. Today I have NEWT class with him, and I'm not sure I can face him in my current state...


The day goes by in silence, thank Merlin, and the next thing I know, we're standing before the potions classroom door in the dungeons, the clock almost reading 3 pm. This last class will feel like an eternity, I can already tell, because my head is tortured by the pressure of nervousness, and this only worsens as I see the black bat approaching us with momentum.

The usual greeting, and we scurry inside, noticing cauldrons and ingredients prepared on the tables. What? I thought today was theory!

"Are we having a practical lesson today, professor?" asks one of my colleagues a bit confused.

"Yes. Since this is the only week in the year a particular ingredient is harvestable for today's potion, we shall take this opportunity, and brew it." comes the simple answer from the teacher, and the students take their positions at their cauldrons.
As the brewing starts, and Snape explains the properties and how to stir correctly, I find myself unable to concentrate, his voice is constantly sending shivers down my spine, and due to my airheadness, I'm not paying attention at all to what I'm doing. I can't see any changes in the potion master's behavior, maybe he really just saw it best to forget what happened a week ago, and this is how he decided to tell me. Still, I can't make myself focus, nervousness and excitement eat my skin like termites. Snape notices my state- from the outside, my behavior looks like I'm drunk or something, which is somewhat correct, since my head is spinning like crazy.

When I try to pull out my old trick, adding moonstone to the potion, hoping to please Snape with my move, my currently clammy hands slip, and I manage to break the jar of crushed up moonstone. The shimmery powder flies everywhere, coating me and my surroundings in a blueish hue. All eyes jump to the accident, and my dusty robes, I look like I got doused with flour, and I have the worst clown makeup covering my face. Snape's irritated steps are frightening, as they approach my form, I'm shaking in my shoes, standing next to the cabinet in the back.

"What on earth are you doing? What is this clumsy behavior?" comes the silent scolding with furrowed brows.

"I-I'm sorry, sir..." is the only thing I can press out between my teeth, dropping my head in shame. Snape pulls out his wand, and cleans the mess in the blink of an eye, leaving me spotless.

"Detention. This evening." says the bat with a neutral face, and I raise my eyes to meet his, but my teacher is already gone from my sight.

Well, crap. I messed this one up, didn't I? ...

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