Fifth Picture: Bold

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Only two days have passed since my extremely embarrassing encounter with my potions teacher, and I still find myself unable to look in his eyes. As I'm seated in the last spot at my house table, eating breakfast, my dear owl flies in with momentum, and drops a red envelope in my face. This move stands out so much between the silently eating people in the hall, that the louder thud on the table attracts almost all eyes to me, teachers included. A howler. Great.

Some of my tablemates look at me confused, and murmurs crawl in my ear, saying 'What do you suppose she did?', 'She never received a howler', and 'Someone's in trouble' from almost all directions. As I look over to the teacher's table, I see my professors eyeing me with slight confusion, but of course, Snape has an infinitely smug and pleased expression all over his face. He looks deep in my eyes and raises one eyebrow softly, like he's saying 'well deserved' with his deep onyx orbs. With my face red as a tomato, I quickly place the letter in my robe pocket, and continue eating, covering my face as best as I can from the humiliating moments, and naturally, I'm the first to leave the hall as soon as I finished forcing the last few bites down my throat.

My form is hidden behind the bed curtains again, as I cautiously place Muffliato around me before opening the berating text. I don't want anyone to eavesdrop on my scolding, I'm more than sure this came from my dad, and heaven forbid he mentions the problem at hand, because then, anyone entering the bedroom will know my secret. I'm not taking risks here. Fortunately, they're still at breakfast, so I don't have to worry too much, but one can never be careful enough.

I slowly lift the envelope's top, expecting my dad's outraged voice, but the biggest surprise hits me when the paper starts speaking softly, almost in a whispering manner, making the greatest paradox ever take form before my eyes. Howlers are usually screaming pieces of paper, but this one whispers. Pigs must be flying outside.

"My dearest gem,

I received your letter and funny enough, the professor's arrived only five minutes after. I ran over to your mom's best friend immediately so she can help me send a howler, since I don't have magical powers. I had to make it look like you truly received a big scolding from me, because professor Snape was very— very outraged on paper. You can imagine how taken aback I was when a pitch-black owl flew in with a red envelope and when I opened it, I heard your professor's upset voice listing your 'shameless sins' with his use of words. Look, darling, I'm not mad at you in any way, you're a grown adult in my eyes, and I know how it is when the hormones start working in you. You're the most talented painter I've ever known, and I'm not going to scold you for following your heart and passion. I only ask that you be more careful in the future; if you want to live your fantasies out on paper, I have nothing against it, but you see how severe your teacher is, so be very cautious. At least until you graduate. This is your last year in Hogwarts, think of your future. I want to see my daughter successfully accommodated among wizards in a nice workplace, not doing some lowly muggle job, like your father. Don't let your powers go to waste, dear.

I love you with everything I have."

And with that, the paper tears itself up to tiny pieces. Well, that went better than expected. I'm wiping two stray tears out of the corner of my eyes, my dad's touching words hit me right in the heart, and I'm endlessly grateful that I'm blessed with an understanding soul like him. He's right. I have to get myself together. I only have this last year here, NEWTs are on my back, and I shouldn't disappoint the one person I respect and love the most. I can't let my desire take the best of me.


The next two weeks pass in agony, as I'm trying to put all my focus in my studies and giving the best performance in class, especially in NEWT potions. Even though I'm still not able to look my professor in the eye, I manage to knock my grades up a level; I know I'll never be a match for a few geniuses in this group, but I make sure to try my absolute best.

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