Unexpected turn of events...

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The Next day in prison Dream was just chilling I guess ((idk what I'm doing ☹️)) but he heard Sam talking to someone... Maybe it was Quackity? Dream thought it could be.. Though it was Technoblade! Strange seeing him... Dream saw him go into his prison cell. He felt happy for the first time in his life Technoblade looked at Dream and then looked around "... So.. How's it going homeless bitch" Dream looked offended when Technoblade said this. Dream looked at Techno "That wasn't very nice y'know.." Techno seem unbothered and said "You heard worse homeless Teletubby" Dream was angry but didn't wanna fight Techno so just sat in the conner. After a day or so Quackity came to torture dream. Dream wasn't suppressed knowing he did this everyday but something... was different.. Dream felt something.. Different.... Dream felt more.. feelings for him.. When Dream was thinking about this he heard Quackity shoved Techno out of the way and was walking to Dream. Techno looked upset and Dream looked shocked at this. Quackity grabbed Dream's arm asking him as always for the reveal book. Quackity said "Dream. Today. I swear to god. If you don't give me that book. We're gonna have some real problems" Techno didn't understand well but knew it was important to Dream. Techno spoke out in a harsh tone "Quackity he won't give you it!" ((Sam looking on the camaras be like: 🧍))  Quackity looked towards Techno with an angry expression and yelled "I wasn't talking to you!" Techno looked annoyed. Dream looked at Techno confused on why he was protecting him ((idk what I'm doing I swear-))  Dream then looked at Quackity blushing slightly while looking at him. Quackity looked at Dream as well not seeing the blush on his face. Quackity then got then thought "what if Techno is planning to escape with dream rn..🤷" Quackity then called out for Sam "Sam! SAM!" Sam was confused on why Quackity was calling to him but let Quackity out of the cell ig....Sam looked at Quackity confused "What do you need Quackity?" Sam asked confused Quackity looked tawrds sam "We should get Techno out! what if he's helping get Dream out!" Sam thought for a moment "well.. I mean.. We can get Techno out." Quackity smiled "Thanks :)"     

((Cliffhanger LMAOO))

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 24, 2023 ⏰

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