sleeping habits - 🧡

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Soooo this is basically some headcanons I have about how some lmk characters sleep.

So wukong obviously has a bedroom or several bedrooms, be he rarely use them because majority of the time he sleeps on either his cloud or on the roof ,and sometimes he is on his cloud on his roof,and is majority of the time covered in monkeys when he sleeps,be it on a cloud,a bed or the roof.and whenever there are storms or it's too cold he sleeps in side and he brings all the monkeys inside ,whether they like it or not.,he also has a pretty crappy sleep schedule,like on a scale from 1-10 he's a 6,is a deep sleeper ,most of the time

Macaque likes to sleep with his back to something,be it a wall ,the bed,a tree,a person*cough* wukong*cough* the floor,whatever it is he prefers to have his back to the wall,why idk I just feel he would,gives him a sense of safety and security ig 7 on the sleep schedule scale is a kind of deep, kind of light sleep 50/50

Mk is a 5 on the sleep schedule scale,mainly because he either sleeps really well and gets a good amount of sleep or because he gets barely any sleep at all.but one thing that always or almost always guarantee sleep for him is cuddles or snuggles with a partial deeper sleeper

Redson doesn't sleep much,like he will stay up for a full day and then get like 3-4 hours of sleep ,but when he started dating mk he started getting more sleep, mainly because the two would fall asleep cuddling and or snuggling he was a 3 but is now a 5. is a light leaning into deep sleeper

She is a solid 6 because she gets sleep and has a good sleep schedule,but usually stays up reading fanfics , watching YouTube or gaming or something else that has her online(totally not me👀) also is a relatively deep sleeper

Sleeps like a fucking log,has fallen asleep at his desk several times and has fallen face first into food because of how sleepy he was,has an okay sleep schedule,loves to fall asleep in pigsy's arms,is better than most when it comes to sleep , he's a 7 on the sss(sleep schedule scale)

Has one of the best sleep schedules because he goes to bed on time and gets up early;and he does it without an alarm (weird flex but okay) he also loves cuddles,and is a fairly light sleeper,he sleeps through the night and only really gets up when there's a loud or a concerning noise is heard he's a solid 8

Sandy has hands down the best sleep schedule,goes to bed on time,maybe a little early and gets up early,is relatively a deep sleep and dreams of the cutest stuff, often sleeps with alot if not all his cats with him in his room and or on his bed.9 on 10

Anyways s that's all ,thx for reading mah stars ,I will be posting mote just feeling un-motivated ,and I had writers block,but now I got ideas a I am up for anything or almost anything.by3eeeeee

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