highschool - 🧡

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What would  the crew be  in highschool

☀️🍑Wukong  - the popular nice 'shy' kid ,: like he was pretty popular,and fairly nice ,and as shown in the show has stage fright,so when he's put on the spot or when WAY too many people are watching him he tends to become shy .Definitely had girls and  guys simping for him, also is dating Macaque

🌙🥭Macaque - the theatre kid ,: loud ,sassy ,very loveable, funny and definitely dating one of the popular kids (*cough* Wukong *cough *) ,he obviously was a theatre kid and maybe a band kid.Definitely had  some girls and  guys simping for him

🙉🍜Mk - the art kid ,: was definitely an art and music student ,and obviously painted a  school wall or two (under his own choice and by the influence of mei ). Was very fun ,had connects to the popular kids ,but usually was with s/o (Redson)  or really close friend. Definitely had some girls and a few guys  simping for him.

🐉✨Mei - the athletic/ music / tech kid ,: helped every teacher with technical issues,or made it worse so they wouldn't have to have class, was definitely loud and funny , obviously was apart of music ,band ,and choir ,and probably started their own dance /music group and likely (with the help of Mk) made her own music club.Definitely had girls and maybe some guys simping for her ,was very sporty ,won quiet a lot of medals .

🔥❤️Redson - the smart 'rebellious ' kid,:
Obviously top of his grade ,and graduated as valedictorian , had and still does have anger issues , was (and still is ) dating ,the 'dumb one ' ( mk ),and rarely rebelled ,but when he did he would go all out. Definitely had girls and some guys simping for him ,was most definitely not teacher's pet ,in fact he would often talk back to teacher's , especially if they were mean to Mk

🍜📖Tang - the nerdy smart kid / the one always eating,: was very smart and  was nominated for valedictorian,but came second, always has snacks ,and was often in the back to eat . Also wa that one kid who was eating while watching school fights, knew the lunch lady by her first name ,and was likely a teacher's pet but didn't sit in the front and didn't snitch .

👩‍🍳🐷Pigsy - the dad/mom of the class,: was usually the one you went to for advice , have good advice,and was over all an average student. Was maybe apart of the student body ,and was likely class rep.

💙🐈Sandy - the animal lover / nice kid ,: made friends with ,and befriended every animal, specifically cats and or any new kid .And always shares  their lunch ,helps with homework, etc ,etc. Also 100% he gave amazing relationship advice ,and people then would just come to him as a therapist sometimes,and he was always happy to help ,he also seems like hey would bring the best homemade cookies, cupcakes,etc etc ,for bake sales and class parties etc etc.

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