Chapter 12- The video and her fear

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This chapter details content of abuse, if you are uncomfortable reading it, please skip it. This chapter will be very abusive, so please proceed with caution...

Rafael went livid with rage when he realized that Alzea had escaped. A whole fucking week she disappeared, an entire week of not seeing her, not looking into her eyes, not seeing her face, her smile. He was crazy; he couldn't sleep, drink or eat. He was on edge, and everyone at his work and house was terrified of him. He was like a ticking bomb. His first thought was that she escaped to Matt; evil thoughts imagined them fucking, making him want to burn the earth down.

Alzea woke up feeling like she was hit by a truck; the effects of the drug were still in her system, and she felt dizzy and incoherent. She had no understanding of where she was or what was going on. She tried to get up from the bed, but her arms and legs were restrained to the bed. The room looked different, and her eyes tried adjusting to the surroundings. She was lying on a massive bed with rods surrounding it. Not understanding what was happening, she tried to squint and ease her dry eyes, but the more she blinked, the drier they became. She didn't know how long she was out for, but her ears went alert when she heard footsteps. She guessed who those steps' owners might be, but she didn't want to know if it was true. Her heart was thumping to the rhythm of the steps, and soon the door opened, and Rafael walked in, but instead of coming close to her, he stood watching her from the door by leaning on the door frame. He didn't say anything for a while, making her mind go into panic mode. She wanted him to say something; his calm demeanor scared her. Nobody can tell what was going on in Rafael Cavallo's mind; his mind is its maze.

"Very well-orchestrated escape you made there, doll" Rafael lifted himself off the door and started walking closer to the bed. He began to circle her bed like people in a cult performing rituals at night. "You know, I thought that I drilled in your head that you cannot escape, but it looks like you are someone who needs a good lesson" he walked closer and held on to the rod that was attached to the top of the bed, making her gulp down her saliva. He looked dangerous, like a predator who knew what to do with his prey.

Alzea did not realize that she was naked under the sheets, only in her underwear, until he grabbed the sheet off her body. She wanted to cover her body but could not as she was tied to the bed. She did not know his motive, but whatever it was, it won't be good. Her best move would be to shut up. She lay there wondering why anyone would have chains attached to the bed.

"What, baby girl? No retort whatsoever?" he put his feet on the edge of the bed between her legs. He watched her with hawk-like eyes and traced his eyes all over her body.

"Fine! Since you decided not to speak, I will amuse you with some details of this past week in my life. Do you know how fucking angry I was when you left me, doll? I wanted to kill everyone. So, you know what I did? I did what I did best. Do you know what it is?" he rested his elbow on his thigh, leaning on his leg while still keeping his feet on the bed. Her insides went crazy with anticipation; this wasn't a good kind; it was craziness born out of fear, fear for the devil.

She shook her head no. "Come on now, doll, take a guess" he put his feet down and hovered over her. "I went human hunting, my favorite activity. Do you know how many people I killed, baby girl?" he crawled over to her like a crocodile in the Nile river, ready to attack a deer on the high grounds. She shook her head no. "35 fucking people", he licked her up to her inner thigh, "but they all deserved it, you know?" He licked and bit her thigh flesh; he looked at the bite mark he gave her and traced it.

Without lifting his head, he continued... "You pissed me off, Sia, I trusted you not to escape, but you laid low and struck me when I least expected you to escape. I fucking hate betrayal; I hate it when people do this to me, so I will teach you what happens when you piss me off" he pressed a remote on his button, turning on the projectors before him.

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