Chapter 27- Nightmares?

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"Where are you going?" Rafael saw Alzea walking to the couch. "To sleep, I will sleep on the couch" She looked at him, who was still top naked.

"No! You will sleep here, next to me" it pissed him that she was trying to get away from him at every chance she got.

"No, I don't want to hurt you" wasn't the reason, but that's the best reason she could come up with; knowing what would happen if she slept next to him, she was unwilling to take that risk.

"If you don't get your cute ass over here right this second, I will bend you over my knee and spank you so hard you will not be able to sit down for a week," he threatened, making her tears spill.

"Stop crying, Bella. Come over here. Don't make me get up; he was irritated; it was clear in his tone.

Hanging her head low, she walked over to Rafael's bed; all the while, he was watching her like a hawk. Her bare thighs are making him hard. She moved closer to the bed when he suddenly grabbed her by her arm and made her sit in his lap. "Better, " he whispered, raising the hair on her neck.

She was uncomfortable as his thighs were under her; she squirmed in his lap, adjusting to find the perfect grip to sit. "Stop moving, Bella; I already told you; your squirming is making my cock stand up," he admitted shamelessly. Does this guy have 0 brains to mouth filter? She wondered and stopped moving.

"Sleep," he kissed her temple, and they both laid down on the bed next to each other, the bed was spacious enough, but Rafael moved closer to Alzea, laying his hand under her shirt and on her tits. She gasped, feeling his cold hand. "PLEASE," she begged desperately; she wasn't okay with this position. "What, Bella?" he gave a light squeeze burying his head in her hair.

"I want to sleep. Could you take your hand off, please?" She felt something inside; she didn't want to handle it

"No, as I said, I am stressed, and I would like to relieve it" he kept squeezing her tender breasts; they were extra tender due to her periods.

"These feel so fucking heavy" he weighed them in his hands. "I am one lucky man," he finished the sentence in his mind.

"I am sore, they hurt... please..." she gave her best sad voice, hoping he would leave them alone.

"Is that so" he brushed his thumb on her nipple, making her bite her lip. "This will ease the pain," he pulled on them. Her nipples were enjoying the sensation. "These are mine, Bella" he pinched her nipple, and Alzea yelped. "If I want to touch them, I will touch them; if I want to suck them, I will suck them to my heart's content, got it?" he pinched them hard. She didn't respond. She lay there trying to sleep, but sleep never came; she let him assault her breasts. She lay there thinking about her earlier interactions with Rafael; in the months she was with him, she understood he doesn't like to be disrespected and smokes uncontrollably. He must have an exceptional ability to multitask. How he handled the situation at the shop was impressive; he didn't flinch, nor was he scared. He must have killer attention to detail and razor-sharp focus to deal with the things in his daily life; he is everything she is not, organized, persistent, courageous, and bold.

He was animalistic; sex with him meant much stamina, and she never saw him afraid for once. She didn't know how to deal with him at times. She signed and looked at him; he must have fallen asleep with his hand still on her tits; she looked at his handsome face; anyone could fall in love with him if not for his heart; his looks would bring people to their knees, "Don't stare," his voice immediately made her shut her eyes, and soon, Alzea was pulled into sleep.

She was in deep sleep when her expressions changed; they morphed into pain, like someone was hurting in her sleep. Her body broke into a cold sweat. She could feel his shirt on her body getting drenched. She was moaning, but this wasn't in pleasure; it was out of pure terror and pain. Something was bugging them in her nightmares; her heart was heavy, and her mind was chaotic. She kept shaking her head to the side as if she was running from whatever was hurting her. She woke up screaming, jostling Rafael awake from his sleep.

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