chapter two

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【 bad memory - k. flay 】

notes: the ninja are in their early to mid twenties here. I think... just to let y'a guys know lol. C: ALSO ALSO YNS DAD IS HOT I DONT MAKE THE RULES---

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Garmadon rubbed at his temple in agitation. His lips were pulled down in a frown, bushy eyebrows furrowed in deep thought. His throat stung with the thirst for tea, and so he left his study for the kitchen. His feet hit the wooden flooring silently, the only sound that could be heard was the howling of the wind outside. The monastery was quiet peaceful at the moment. With all the ninja on patrol, and the monks either meditating or sleeping peacefully. There wasn't much to disrupt the peace. Garm continued on his way to the kitchen, and when he got there he was surprised to see his wife leaning against the counter.

"Misako?" His voice startled her slightly. Pulling the older female from her own thoughts. "Garmadon." She breathed, wiping at her tired eyes from under her glasses.

"Why are you up so late?" He asked, noticing the steaming mug sitting on the counter next to her. Untouched.

"I could ask you the same thing.." She hummed, grabbing the mug and taking a quick sip. "Kettle just finished boiling, if you came for tea."

Garmadon nodded and grabbed the tea leaves he was craving. "You never answered my question."

"I can't sleep.. You?" She watched him from over the brim of her mug. His movements were slow but graceful. Even in his tired state, he was far from being clumsy. "I as well." He murmured, letting his tea steep as he turned to face her.

"Let me guess, the prophecy?" Misako inquired, a knowing glint in her warm brown eyes.

Garm sighed heavily. "You've seen the signs, too?"

"Of course... I've studied the ancient scrolls for years. I knew this day would come eventually. I just.." Misako trailed off, gazing into her mug as if it was the most interesting thing in the world.

"Didn't expect it to come so soon?" Garm finished, catching his wife's worried gaze. She bit her bottom lip in frustration. "He's still so young."

"He's a young adult now."

"We need more time!" Misako cried, tears blurring her vision. "We were supposed to have more time..."

Garmadon frowned and stepped forwards, enveloping his wife in a strong embrace. "I know.. There isn't enough time in the world. And we're running out of it.."


Y/n grumbled at the feeling of her hair being pulled. She squinted her eyes open, glaring up at the figure in front of her. "You're gonna be late." Her father gazed back down at her. A smirk dancing on his tired face.

She muttered out something incoherent, lifting her head from the table. A piece of paper stuck to it, partially due to her drool. She peeled it off with a wince. "What time is it?"

"Nine-twenty. And you're still late." He set down a steaming mug of coffee and she hummed in delight. Reaching over to cradle the cup in her cold, aching hands.

Mr. L/n stared at his daughter in amusement, clutching his own coffee mug. "Y/n."

"What?" She sighed, sipping tenderly at the rich beverage. Hoping it would wake herself up, though she knew it never really did.

He laughed, shaking his head to himself as he sat down across from her. "You're late." He said again. Firmer this time.

She stared at him blankly for a moment before looking towards the time on the oven. She gazed at it for what felt like an eternity. Trying her best to comprehend his words and will her brain to work. It almost felt like she were moving in slow motion. Waiting for the coffee to kick in and bring her back to real time.

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⏰ Last updated: May 11, 2024 ⏰

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