Chapter - 4

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12 / 05

Taehyung woke up with a loud groan. His stomach is painfully aching due to sudden loss of medicine and food last night. He never missed any of these when he was under the shadow of Jungkook. Now he realized that he will not survive in this world without Jungkook. Last night events suddenely flashed out infront of his eyes making him so embarrassed about his behaviour. He never showed his vulnerability infront of outsiders. It's always only Jungkook who know about the every shade of Taehyung.Seems like yesterday was a very terrible day. Yesterday's situations worsened with the lack of presence of Jungkook according to Taehyung.Jungkook is his source of energy. How can he do anything without him?

Taehyung hastily grabbed his phone again as yesterday to check Jungkook's messages.Unknowingly his lips curled up making him so excited as a teenage girl who waiting for her crush's reply.Taehyung's eyes lighted up after a whole day seeing the 'good night' message. He continued to stare at that simple message with glistening eyes. Taehyung really misses his Jungkoo. Jungkook is the only one who love Taehyung's own self. Taehyung's cold , bold and blank facade in outside completely washed off infront of Jungkook.With Jungkook he is cuddly , adorable and spoiled brat. He wants to go back to his home. Taehyung regretted the fact of not seeing this message last night.

Suddenely the phone on his hand began to vibrate making Taehyung jumped a little. But the name popped up on the screen made him giggle. The caller is none other than 'Jungkoo❤️🌍'  Taehyung literally hopped onto the green button and kept it on one of his ear in order to hear that calming voice.

"Hello!!Baby!!"Taehyung closed his eyes to focus only on Jungkook's words and to absorb them firmly into his heart.A happy tear rolled down on his cheeks and he never minded to wipe it off.

"Jungkoo....I miss you."Taehyung opened up and revealed his unspoken emotions infront of his love. Taehyung felt so light and free by talking with his heart. He loves how Jungkook made him relax even from the distant.

"Sorry baby. I was so busy"

"I know. Don't apologize."

"Why don't you blame me?"


"Because I negelced you"

"No you are not. Why Jungkoo? What happened?" Taehyung can sense that something is wrong by his voice.

"I was busy with Jimin yesterday"


"Baby I --"

"No Jungkoo. It's okay. You can spend time with him."

"No no it's just--"

"Jungkoo I have to go. Madam is calling us. Don't worry okay. I love you. Byeee...Ummwaa"With that the call ended filling Taehyung's heart with liveliness.

On the other side Jungkook is frustrated. He pulled his hair strands harshly feeling so guilty. After the call with Taehyung , after witnessing his innocence Jungkook felt like he did a crime. He doesn't know why he kissed Jimin at the first place. He is addicted to that gorgeous male. Jimin is so different from Taehyung and there's something in Jimin which Jungkook attracted to.But this is wrong. He should end this. Nothing happened like this before in their 6 year relationship.He should stay binded to Taehyung. That's it.

But Jimin's condition is so different. For him it's like he reborns again with happiness.That date - yeah..Jimin likes to name it as their lil date is the bestest thing happened in his life. After a long time he found a man with whom he can be himself.Jimin went all crazy after seeing that dark but tempting eyes and feeling those lips on him. Now Jimin wants more. More of Jungkook. He knew that he is wrong as Jungkook is taken. But he can't help it. Now he doesn't care whether this is love or lust. He only wants Jungkook. More like that care and attention.

All the students are sitting on the ground in a line. They have given a piece of wood and necessary tools  for carving. Everyone is too absorbed into the work making the camping area so silent after days of their visit. So Taehyung is also trying so hardly to do his best as he is carving a cup for his Jungkoo. It may doesn't make any sense but he wanted to do something for Jungkook as he felt that he is in a problem. As Jungkook is always with him he should also stay with Jungkook.But the destiny is not in his side. His  weak lungs and wood dust got the best out from him. But Taehyung is strong in his mind. He is already carved the cup and it only remained to polish this with sand papers--toughest one for him. He decided to shrug off the lump building in his throat making him to breath hardly and proceeds to complete the task. It's hard to control for a long time. Ultimately he collapsed onto the ground while gasping like a fish just taken out from water. He took a one breathe harshly which made a loud groaning sound taking the attention of teachers and nearby students.

Everyone of them gathered around him and madam screamed loudly

"Go!!!!!!BRING HIS INHALER!!!!".She took Taehyung's head onto her lap and careressed his hair. She panicked when Taehyung slightly closed his eyes. Students are looking at the situation with helplessness and worry. They don't hate him. Just don't like him. That particular student came back with the inhaler which Taehyung used to place in an open place as this type of emergency cases can happened. Luckily Taehyung went back to normal and  madam sternly said him to rest the whole day. She also told to inform about this to Jungkook but Taehyung negelced it. He can't make Jungkook uneasy. Jungkook  also should have a moment to himself.

Like that the whole day passed with Taehyung's resting which he needed since a long time now. His body is practically broken just with these walking and stuff. So he used this lil rest time to heal his body to the extent he can go back to Jungkook.

12 / 06

Taehyung woke up so freshly after his long sleep. He literally jumped out from his tent in search of his cup. Madam told him that she gave it to another student to complete as Taehyung can't do that obviously. So after replying to Jungkook's good morning message he went out with a beaming smile from ear to ear. But his smile's lifetime is so short. Taehyung met up with kevin and the gang. But that's not the issue. His precious cup is with them. Taehyung can see that the cup is not so prefect as him but Jungkook will love it righ!?

"Heyy!!!!!Weakling!!See!!"Kevin shouted just like a baby who is seeking for attention. Taehyung wanted to laugh his ass off seeing this childish behaviour but now the situation is terrible.

As Kevin didn't get the reaction he wants , with a pointing tool he made a creak on the cup. That's it. That's the Taehyung's last string of patience. Anyone can hurt him but not Jungkook or Jungkook's cup.With very large steps he walked over to Kevin and directly punched him on the face.

"Don't.mess.with.this."Taehyung warned and took the cup but Kevin didn't get the point. He jumped over Taehyung making both of them stumbled on the ground.

"I always wanted to do this too." Kevin muttered with a dirty smirk and landed a heavy punch on Taehyung's face.


Boring chapter...actually a filler.

Hope you will enjoy.

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