Chapter - 6

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"Ba--baby??" Jungkook whispered with his wide eyes. Only thing screamed in Jungkook's face is utter confusion and fear.Taehyung stood there totally dumbfounded about the situation with his teary ball eyes.

"Why are you here? Did you again come to visit Jimin?"Taehyung asked.

"I--yeah--I ca--came."

"Why Jungkoo?Why are you so scared?"Taehyung worriedly asked and stretched his arms to hug his love which he craved for days now.But before accomplishing anything Jimin popped up from behind with the same horror mixed face as Jungkook.

"Ahh Jimin!!!!Are you okay?"Taehyung loudly asked with a small cute smile. Taehyung knew that Jimin is going through a lot right now. Jungkook startled with Taehyung's voice and walked out from the house towards Taehyung away from Jimin. He gulped a lump of saliva feeling so caught in the moment. Jimin didn't answer back but observed Taehyung. He felt himself like a criminal for deceiving this innocent fluff ball. He knew that he will never get even a chance to explain himself for this crime.Before anything Jungkook took the lead and announced

"We should go. Let's go Tae."Without waiting for anyone's reply Jungkook pulled Taehyung with him towards the car. Taehyung is not a baby not to understand that something is going on. Something so tensed and he himself unaware.

Once Jungkook took the car to the main road he asked

"How you came there?"

"By bus"Taehyung looked at Jungkook with expecting eyes. He expected something like ' I missed you',' How was you there?','How was the camp?' but nothing came.What happened  after he left? Why is he so stiff? Did I have done something wrong? Is he angry with me?All these thoughts which only echo the widening distance between him and Jungkook made Taehyung panicked. He took a large scoop of air with a heavy groaning sound which made Jungkook also to look at him.Jungkook parked the car on the spot and took the inhaler from Tae's jacket pocket.With teary eyes Jungkook used inhaler on Taehyung and careressed his hair until he becomes normal. After 15 minutes of silence Jungkook again drove towards their house. These attacks are so normal in their lives but this one made Jungkook to feel so guilty and ashamed.

Jimin sat on the floor with a loud thud with their departure. He doesn't know why. Why he is doing something like this? He only wanted a life like Taehyung. He only wanted a lover like Jungkook. But he never wanted to be a someone like Jaehyuk. He ended up doing the same he never wanted to.Jimin cried so loudly with a hope of lessening his pain even by a bit.

"Jungkoo........"As soon as they stepped into the house Taehyung cling onto Jungkook's arms. But Jungkook's warm smile which he usually used on Taehyung is absent today. Overly excited Taehyung ignored that fact as he wanted to show his precious cup to him.He wanted to share everything happened.After a long sigh Jungkook detached Taehyung's hands making Taehyung so gloomy.

"Can we talk tomorrow? I'm a bit tired."Jungkook muttered and turned around to walk to the room. Taehyung just stood there looking at his Jungkoo's disappearing figure. This is not how he imagined their union. A lone tear escaped from his eyes but he managed to control himself.Isn't Taehyung the one who is tired after long journey? Taehyung understood one thing. Something worse happened with Jungkook than he thought. His Jungkoo is completely changed.

Rustling , groaning and humming sounds are heard to Jungkook who is pretending like sleeping. Seems like Taehyung is clearing his suitcase. Jungkook badly wanted to help and hug Taehyung but he felt wrong. He felt so ashamed to face such a pure creature like Taehyung. He decided to protect his mind , his heart by giving pain to Taehyung's heart.Jungkook softly cried feeling caged between his wants and needs. Already he did a sin.  He can't continue his life like this. He also wants his playful , carefree life he lost 6 years ago. Sometimes he also wants to depend on someone. While Jungkook lost in his thoughts he felt a hand creeping around his waist. Suddenely Jungkook closed his eyes tightly as he knew that the culprit is Taehyung.

"I missed you."Taehyung whispered and snuggled more closer to Jungkook's warmth. The only place he trusts on this whole universe is Jungkook's arms.

12 / 08

Taehyung woke up early in the morning to lengthen the time he is going to spend with Jungkook. He is so so sure that Jungkook will take a day off today as they want to catch up everything. So he happily made the dessert for them as he doesn't know how to make a main meal. Among them Jungkook is the one in charge of main meal. Jungkook clearly said Tae that he doesn't have to learn that because Jungkook is with him always.He stomped here and there happily just by imaging about their day. He placed the glass of milk he prepared and his precious cup on the tray and walked extra carefully towards their room to wake up his Jungkoo.

But his whole happy aura vanished seeing Jungkook is his office attire.

"You are going??"Taehyung asked with a sad.

"Ahh-h..I have to go--o. Today is so busy."Jungkook said with a nervous laugh. Actually he wanted to run away from Taehyung as the burden he is feeling on himself is getting stronger with the time.


"It's okay. We can talk after I come."Jungkook muttered with a sad smile seeing Tae's betrayed eyes. This is not how they used to live until now. Taehyung placed the tray on the stool and walked closer to Jungkook. He placed his hands on Jungkook's wide chest and hand ironed the shirt.

"Okay. Come back safely."Taehyung said while sinking into Jungkook's eyes. Both of them caught up in each other's eyes struggling to let out their unspoken emotions. Jungkook is the first one who broke the trance and hurriedly ran away from him. Without a kiss. Without a goodbye. Without a smile. It's like he just wanted the permission of Taehyung to flew away. Away from him.

Taehyung plopped onto the bed and sighed. It's like there's no much difference in camp tent and this house. It's always him for himself.With a forced smile Tae took his precious cup and traced over the letters written on them to cover the damage caused by Kevin.'Jungkoo & Baby forever.' He is not sad that Jungkook didn't recognize his cup.He is sad because he didn't able to recognize the pain and longing feeling in Tae's eyes. Again a tear went down from his cheeks but he became fast to wipe it off and wore a forced smile. Just like how he removed these bad feelings and filled up with fake excuses in his mind.

The whole day Taehyung spent alone and he used this time to  prepare things needed for the college. He took a day off from his job as he thought that Jungkook will also do the same but everything went upside down. Now it is almost past 8 pm and still Jungkook is not at home. Taehyung took so many calls and left messages but no reply. Taehyung went to the bedroom and covered him with blankets as he is afraid of dark. He isn't this much scared before but after that accident which  took place in mid night left a trauma inside him.Late night , high speed cars , bright lights , ambulance siren sounds made him panicked. He is always more than afraid when Jungkook is late at night because he can't think otherwise than his real experience. So now Taehyung is sobbing softly while praying to himself. He shaked his head numerous times to throw away the dark assumptions that pop up in his mind.His trembling hands and wobbly lips made him scared even more.He doesn't know why Jungkook is avoding him. Specially in this time when he clearly knew about Tae's trauma.

After a huge battle with himself Taehyung passed out on the bed due to exhaustion. But fresh tears are continued to shed screaming his pain.


Tae's pain is not over yet 😔

Should I give you a prior warning about character death? 🙄

Anddddd....I am so happy with the read count of this book. Thank u for ur all votes and comments ❤️..I don't deserve u 💞😭

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