Chapter - 20 [ After December]

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"There's no hope in him Mr.Jeon."

"Please doctor..Don't say like that. Do something."

"We can observe him still connected to that machine but chance is very low."

"Just..Let's just do that. I'm sure he will make it."

"But only for two weeks."

Jungkook reminded the conversation went on between him and the doctor earlier. His eyes are fixed on Tae's body which is totally disturbed with lot of tubes. The sight alone is so heartbreaking for him. But he is sure Tae will come back. Jungkook softly careressed the cold hand of Tae and placed a soft kiss there which made his lips to linger there for few minutes. A tear fell down onto his hand. He is broken without Tae.

"Tell me Tae!!When are you going to come?"Jungkook asked from noone in particular. It's so close to the end of two weeks and Jungkook is not even ready to let go Tae from his eyes.

Jungkook is practically living in that room where Taehyung is lying on. Doctors also don't mind because they got the room by the payment. Jungkook lost his job after few mistakes he done in newspapers which led their company to have a black mark. To cope up with extreme hospital bills Jungkook sold their house without a second thought. There's no value in that house if there's no Taehyung there. But isn't he the one who kick off the same Tae from that house? Jungkook repents for his every action. He really wants to kill himself for the things he did for his love. He is the one who worth pain not Tae. He made Taehyung like this. This blooming up immense regreting feeling killed Jungkook everyday. But he can't do anything. He has to suffer.

So normally Jungkook wanders around looking for a job without even having any proper meal. Just like how Taehyung did back then. Tears welled up in his eyes reminding Tae's figure back then when he asked how to fix his leg. He did this nasty thing to a one who should be protected as a flower in his embrace. Jungkook is looking like a ghost with his pale face and bags under his eyes these days. But he doesn't care much because his all attention is now on Taehyung's wellbeing,,,,,wellbeing destroyed by Jungkook himself. Eventhough whatever he has Jungkook returned back to Tae every evening and spent his whole time while talking with silent boy. Sometimes he cried his heart out reminding the things he did but nothing came back to comfort him.

The hospital room is same as it was before but one thing added to it. It's Taehyung's precious cup. When Jungkook found out it in the kitchen he broke down on the floor and wailed to the point he fainted on the spot. The same day he saw the tickets for Paris with Tae's clothes which made him to go insane. After that day on Jungkook didn't face to anyone in particular. It's only Taehyung he can see now.Some people  said that he is crazy because his behaviour is slowly turning into something unusual.

Jungkook also went to visit Jimin too but it was so hard as he is under police protection. Jungkook got to know about the murder too and he can't stop blaming himself for everything that happened. He is a curse...That's what he thought. He destroyed everyone's lives beyond repair. Recently Jimin found dead in his room which made another reason for Jungkook's abnormality. He played with feelings and look where they all ended up. It's still not sure whether it is a suicide or not but still Jimin is not here anymore with us. That little soul only asks for a spoonful of love. He only wanted to feel respect and care. But his life came to end with a label of a murderer. By the way nothing can clean the things he did to Taehyung.

"This is where it should be baby."Jungkook mumbled and slipped the ring into Tae's finger. Jungkook softly smiled after placing it and said

"Let's sleep okay." With that Jungkook kept his head on the same bed as Tae and drifted to dreamland where Tae and him loving each other and living happily. Indeed it is a dream..... Jungkook is entirely depending on Tae's presence. He is living by seeing Taehyung on the bed eventhough his body is cold and sleeping always. He just doesn't want Tae to go away. He should be punished. He should say Tae how much he regrets things. He wants to say how much Tae is special to him.He understood that Tae is his driving force. But it is too late...


"Calm down Mr. Jeon. Please understand. You are wasting everything on that already dead person."

"He is my everything. Don't even try to lay a finger on him."

"Sir , You are playing with other patients' lives. Let him go now."Doctor said.

"No..never..He will be with me forever. Don't even try."Jungkook warned and came into the room messily. He doesn't want to talk about this anymore. According to doctors Taehyung is already dead and just breathing by the help of the machine which Jungkook never wants to admit. The biggest punishment for Jungkook is loosing Taehyung. In earlier days too eventhough he is with Jimin he always made sure to keep an eye on Tae. At that time he killed himself Jungkook felt like he lost his whole world. Jungkook took Taehyung granted and that's where he is wrong. He thought that Tae will remain with him forever no matter what happened. Tae taught him the best lesson.

"Are you okay?Don't worry..I'll protect you."Jungkook said mostly to the air and laid beside Tae. On the next day Jungkook came back to his new found job but his mind is restless. The things doctor said made him uneasy and at last he ran dumping his job away to take a glimpse of Taehyung. He is so correct about his sense. He saw two nurses who is dragging away the machine from the room which made him to scream. He is now just like a beast.

"WHAT THE HELL!!!!"Jungkook roared but the things meant to happen happened already. He swiftly opened the door only to see a body covered by a white sheet.

"WHAT!?"Jungkook ran towards the bed and removed the sheet only to throw away on to the floor.There laying Taehyung who is so pale with his blue lips.

"Ohh!!Don't worry baby. I am here. Don't cry.."Jungkook said and joined Tae on the bed. He hugged Tae so tightly neglecting the stick nature of Tae.

"I'm sorry."Jungkook mumbled and slowly passed out hiding Tae in his embrace securely. The doctor who witnessed everything with a very down face said

"We should do this."

Jungkook woke up next day on an empty bed. His heart almost dropped not having the familiar sight of younger. Tears gathered in his already tired eyes and he ran directly to doctor's room as a crazy man. He opened the door widely and screamed

"Where is he?" Unlike earlier today Jungkook is so broken and weak. He is almost pleading to give his Taehyung back. Doctor came closer to Jungkook and hugged him.

"We should accept the reality."He said which made Jungkook to shake his head as a child.He wailed so loudly in his shoulders. There's nothing he can do now. He can't accept this. He wants Tae to be happy. If he didn't cheat on Tae things will be so different now. Maybe Tae will be with him adoring himself with his cute grin. He waited to hear his voice. He waited to see his smile. But Tae already decided to punish Jungkook in the worst way.

Jungkook is now sitting beside Tae's grave. He is staring at it while his tears decorated his face silently. He never knew he had this much tears in his eyes. He is so glad to shed them on Taehyung. He deserves this. Jimin left, Taehyung left and the one who should be rotten in hell is here still living. Maybe god wanted to make him suffer more for his wrong doings. The one stupid choice ruined everything he had. He can't live with this guilty feeling anymore. Every minutes passing add burden to Jungkook's heart making him weaker and weaker. He wants to punish himself. He wants to see himself in pain.

"Why you did that to us Jungkoo..?"

Taehyung's last words is the only thing resonates in his mind.



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