It will be OK

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Author note; this idea came to my mind a while back, and I finally decided to write it, so I hope you like it the chapter we most likely like a season three episode one goes, but a little twist, since I will be based on this little

Jays pov: it's been a couple months since Charlie decided he didn't like how Erin was keeping his son Ryder from him so he decided once he could spend some time with Ryder just to have time alone with his son, but in the end, it didn't work out because we caught him trying to kidnap his son now he's in jail while me, and Erin are raising Ryder together , Ryder is growing up so fast he will be starting first grade soon right now I am at Erin's place hanging out with them

RD= hey Jay
J= yeah buddy
RD= do you have your own house?
J= yes I do buddy why do you ask?
RD= well since you have your own house why are you always here all the time
J= well for one I like being here with you and your mom and besides if I was at my house, I would feel so lonely without someone there with me
RD= that's a good point
J= unless you don't want me here I can always go home if you want me to
E= of course not we like him here don't we Ryder
RD= yes we do ( hugs him)
J= I like you guys to ( kiss them)
E= hey Ryder why don't you go and get a bath since it's almost bedtime. I'll be in there in a few to check on you.
RD= all right mom ( he leaves )
E= I swear he seems so grown up all of a sudden
J= oh yes he does, so are you sure you like having me here all the time
E= of course I do I feel so warm and safe in your arms when you're here
J= oh, how sweet ( kiss her )
E= oh I try to be( phone ring) give me one
J= all right ( two minutes later) so who was that?
E= that was a CI of mine. He needs to meet with me as soon as possible so I got to leave but I promised. Ryder I will check on him
J= don't worry about it. I'll check on him you go deal with your CI
E= you are the best
J= I know I am just go
E= all right ( kiss him) Bye babe.

Once Erin leaves, I go and check on Ryder

J= hey buddy how's it going in here
RD= it's going good wait where is mommy? She's supposed to check on the.
J= yes she was but she got called away for a minute but she will be back soon OK
RD= OK daddy
J= so are you done with your bath?
RD= yes I am
J= all right let's go get your teeth brushed and then in bed
RD= all right can you read me a bedtime story tonight?
J= of course I can't buddy

Over the next 30 minutes Ryder get dress , washes his teeth, then gets in the bed. I start reading him a bedtime story when I'm halfway through the story I noticed that he has fallen asleep so I took him in and go get myself ready for bed after laying in bed for about an hour waiting for Erin to come home. I ended up falling asleep.

RD= wake up daddy ( jumps on the bed)
J= good morning buddy
RD= hey daddy where is mommy?
J= ( looks and see that it's empty beside him) she's probably went to work already
RD= all right well I'm hungry
J= you are well how about I make you some bacon and pancakes for breakfast how does that sound?
RD= sounds good

I make breakfast for Ryder he eats it and then we hang out until his nanny gets there once she's there I leave and head into work

AD= Hey Jay.
KA= where is Lindsay
AR= yeah, you guys normally arrive together
J= I'm not sure is Hank and his office already
AO= yes he is
HV= ( knocking) come in
J= hey have you heard from Erin
HV= wait why would I didn't you stay at her house last night and wake up with her?
J= well I did sleep at her place like always but last night she got a call from a CI. She headed to go meet them, but she hasn't came home since and I'm starting to worry.
HV= OK so what time did she get the call and leave last night?
J= it was right before Ryder went to bed so I would say about 8 PM
HV= so you haven't heard from Erin in about 12 hours
J= no I haven't should I be worried or not?
HV= you have every right to be worried Erin normally doesn't disappear for this long especially now that she is a mom and has a little boy to take care of
J= so what are we going to do?
HV= well for one we are going to gather of the team let them know then we will try and find her our way
J= all right
HV= hey try not to worry too much we will find her
J= I'll try my best
HV= ( outside) all right everybody I need your attention now
KA= what's up boss?
AR= what's wrong
HV= so any cases that you guys are working on needs to be put to the side until further notice
AD= why is that? Voight
J= because Erin is missing and I haven't seen her in about 12 hours so we need to find her
KA= wait what
J= yeah last night right before Erin was supposed to put Ryder down for the night she got a call from her CI and she told me that he would like to meet her as soon as possible so she left
KA= do you know who her CI was?
J= sadly I don't know Kevin
AR= do you know any size that she interacts with the most
J= none that I can think of
HV= so everyone I want you to pull all of Erin's see eyes and go through them and call them to see if they wanted to meet with her last night
AD= you got it voight
HV= hey Alvin
AO= yes Hank
HV= get someone to track Erin's number maybe we could find her that way
AO= you got it, Hank

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