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"The moon is shining more bright than usually tonight."

Sekido commented.

Aizetsu's blue eyes sparkled in the moonlight. He nodded in response.

"Perhaps it's a good omen," he said softy.

Sekido snorted, "Don't be absurd. Omens don't exist."

Aizetsu flinched, lowering his head.

"Hey, don't be so mean to Aizetsu!" their brother, Urogi, slapped Sekidos head playfully.

Sekido glowered at him. Karaku chuckled, rolling his eyes.

"You are all so annoying," Sekido said, although the corner of his lips twitched.

"I know you're about to smile!" Karaku grinned.

"Shut up!"

Their laughter dissolved in the distance. In a certain dark forest walked a demon, it's footsteps unheard. A crow cawed on a branch, although it was cut off as the demon grabbed its neck, strangling it. Other crows erupted from the trees, startled.

Aizetsu blinked as crows exploded from a nearby forest.

Urogi frowned. "What's that about?"

"I'll go check," Aizetsu volunteered, rising up.

"Be careful," Karaku said, "It might be a demon, you know!"

Aizetsu frowned. "If it is, it's unlikely to be an uppermoon."

Aizetsu ran through the forest.

"Is anybody here?" He scanned through the dark forest nervously. Despite being a pillar, who were supposed to be fearless and all, he really didn't like dark forests.

"A pillar. How wonderful,"

What happened next was, in Aizetsu's opinion, not pleasing. He got practically jumpscared by a demon, and got a full view of the kanji in the demon's eyes; uppermoon 6. Aizetsu grimaced. This would be trouble, backing away slightly.

Aizetsu observed the demon's features. Its eyes were deathly white, decorated with black sclera, and it wore a black kimono laced with blood-like patterns. The uppermoon also had a very noticeable feature; extremely wrinkled skin. Like an old man.

"Demon..." Aizetsu said slowly.

"What's wrong, scared?" the ugly demon grinned, flashing century-unwashed-teeth.

Aizetsu frowned. "It's just how ugly you look. It almost saddens me."

It growled. "Learn some manners, young pillar. Shall we begin our fight?"

Before Aizetsu could respond, the demon ran towards him, and all he saw was a flash of blinding light before pain struck his abdomen. He yelped, toppling backwards. He looked down at his fresh wound, groaning in pain. Luckily, it wasn't too bad...but it still hurt. He winced in pain. How sad. 

"Water Breathing, First Form: Water Surface Splash."

Aizetsu released a concentrated, horizontal slash. He felt the satisfying feeling of his sword slice an arm. Until agony erupted from his own, and he feel to his knees. Aizetsu gritted his teeth, trying to suppress a scream of pain. What just happened? He looked at his left arm—or what was left of it. 

Aizetsu figured he sliced his own arm. But he was certain he aimed at the uppermoon, who was now standing over his crouched form, grinning. 

Huh? This demon was confusing...

"My demon art is great, isn't it?" it laughed. "Too bad you're already badly injured. And yet, you haven't even landed a scratch on me."

Aizetsu stared at it, his face twisted in pain. His detached arm lay limply on the dead grass.

The demon was, without doubt, right. Aizetsu was much weaker than him. Right now, he just wanted to snuggle with pillows and cry to sleep. But that's for another time. He'll have to take care of this demon first.

Helplessly and hopelessly, he flung himself at the uppermoon. For a split second, the demon's eyes widened, caught off guard. It glared at him before dodging his blade. Aizetsu tensed. Suddenly, the demon disappeared. 


Wait. Behind! Aizetsu whipped around. In that exact moment, the uppermoon reappeared. Before disappearing again.

Under me..


No, left.

Aizetsu was left confused as the demon kept reappearing and disappearing. Before a thought hit him. It was trying to attack him off guard. Which he was at the moment.

Below. Aizetsu was sure of it this time. He slashed the demon's lower body.

"Impressive. I suppose." it muttered.

Now I was falling. Downwards. How many abilities did this demon even have? Aizetsu was sure it had at least five more. He stared at the sky, and closed his eyes, falling for what seemed like a millennia. He dreamed he was in the clouds, pain resistant. He dreamed he was with his brothers. He dreamed he was drowning. At least falling to death seemed better than getting eaten by a demon alive. But then, Sekido might exclaim Aizetsu was a coward or something similar to that. 

He opened his eyes and inhaled.

"Eighth Form: Waterfall Basin."

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