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Alora unlocked her front door before opening the door. It was nine in the morning at Alora had just come back from Leo's. It was like heaven sleeping with him and making him cum.

"Where the hell were you?" Her mom asked as Alora closed the door.

"At Leo's." Alora said before starting to walk upstairs. .

"Do you know I didn't eat anything last night? I had to fucking starve Alora." Her mom said as she walked behind Alora.

"Why didn't you just order food?" Alora asked as she turned around to her mom.

"Because I had no fucking money on my card." Her mom said as she crossed her arms.

"That's not my problem, if you really wanted some food, you would have gone to grab it yourself. Leo asked if I wanted to spend the night and I couldn't turn him down." Alora said as she looked at her mom with wide eyes.

"So, he's more important than me?"

"Yes, he loves me, and from what I recall your money is more important than me." Alora said taking a step down the stairs.

"Alora, he doesn't fucking love, no one truly loves anyone, they just say that shit to make you happy. They tell you what you want to hear. I mean, look at the way your dad just up and left us." Her mom said laughing as she took a seat on the couch.

Alora glared at her mom's back of the head as she took a step off another step. She hated how her mom never showed her any love. She knew Leo loved her; he would never lie to her.

"Leo does love me, and I love him." Alora mumbled, but loud enough for her mom to hear.

"Keep telling yourself that Alora, and have you called your dad to see if he could send some money or something because I can't take care of you alone." Her mom questioned as she turned the TV up louder.

"He's not going to send us any money, I know that for a fact." Alora said going into the kitchen.

"How do you know that if you haven't even tried?" Her mom asked as she paused the TV.

"Because I killed him." Alora said as she grabbed a knife from the drawer, her back facing her mom.

"What?" Her mom whispered before looking at Alora.

"Alora what did you-"

"I said I killed him, he's been dead for a while, he's in the backyard if you want to see him." Alora said turning to her mom, hiding the knife behind her back.

Alora watched as her mom sunk to the ground letting out a loud cry. Alora stared at her with parted lips, placing her head to the side.

"It was for the best really, he was always a pain in the ass, and after he attacked Leo...I just couldn't stand to look at him." Alora muttered as she walked closer to her mom.

"You killed my fucking husband over a boy? Alora what the fuck is wrong with you?" Her mom cried as she looked up at Alora.

"Nothing's wrong with me, I simply did what I had to do. I don't really care if you forgive, especially since you won't be living that long now that you know what really happened." Alora said pulling the knife from her back.

Alora charged at her mom, trying her best to stab her, but her mom had an advantage on her since had already seen the attack coming. 

"Alora please don't make me hurt you." Her mom pleaded as she kicked Alora in the face as Alora tried to stab her.

"Fuck my nose." Alora moaned in pain as she held her nose in both her hands. 

Tears filled Alora's eyes as she laid on the floor in pain. She then let out small cries as blood dripped down from her nose.

"Alora, I'm sorry I didn't mean to hurt you." Her mom said in the corner, now with the knife in her hand.

"I just wanted to be loved, and I never got it." Alora cried as she sat up from the floor.

Alora's mom looked at her with tears in her eyes. She still gripped onto the knife not daring to let it go. 

"Dad had never loved me, and you were never there. I thought you had left and abandoned me, left me with him." Alora cried as she placed her head in her knees.

"Alora." Her mom whispered as she took a step closer to Alora.

"I'm sorry for attacking you, there is something wrong with me and I want help, I just don't know how to get it." Alora said as she looked up at her mom who held sympathy in her eyes.

"Alora it's okay, I'll get you help." Her mom said standing over Alora hesitantly. 

"Okay, I just want to be loved." Alora whispered as she wiped her face.

"Baby I love you, I'm sorry that I don't show it a lot." Her mom said as she bent down to Alora's height.

"Can I get a hug?" Alora asked as she held her arms open.

Alora watched as her mom carefully placed the knife down that she was holding on the floor. She then leaned in, squeezing Alora tightly. Alora 'cried' in her mom's arms, squeezing her back.

" I love you." Her mom whispered as she kissed Alora on the forehead.

Alora looked at the knife that was on the floor, slowly sliding her hand to it. She continued sniffing as her mom continued to hold her. Alora's index finger rested on the end of the knife.

She moved a bit closer before grabbing the knife, quickly stabbing her mom in the back repeatedly. 

Blood rushed out of her mom's mouth as Alora continued her attack. Seconds later her mom laid on the floor, limp like a dead fish. Alora showed no emotion in her eyes, not even a single tear rolled down her now bloody face.

Alora stood up from the floor before wiping the blood off on her mom's shirt. She threw the knife down on the floor, before just staring at her dead mom.

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