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“Ma’am, you’re having triplets.”

Hi. My name is Bailey. I am a triplet. My two other sisters' names are Shailey and Hailey. I know, it's kind of confusing.

We are identical triplets, but one way you can tell us apart is by our hair color. I have brown hair, Shailey has blonde hair, and Hailey has black hair. That is really the only way you can tell us apart, because we always wear the same matching outfits and hairstyles.

We also live in California.

Tomorrow is the first day of middle school for us. You would think middle school isn’t that bad because you are still going with your elementary school. And we were very popular in elementary.

But the thing is, we are moving. That also means we are going to a different middle school than the rest of our elementary school. 

My sisters aren't worried about it because they say we can make new friends. But I am worried. I miss my friends, and my crush. His name is Jason, and he is really cute. But unless he moves too, I will never see him again. 

Although I’m sad about moving, we are going to live in a really nice house. It is two stories high, with a huge basement. It has 3 rooms and a master bedroom upstairs, and a room in the basement.

Me and my sisters always share a bedroom, but maybe this will be different since we will have a bigger house.

The kitchen is huge, and it’s really modern. We have a huge front room downstairs and in the basement.

And don’t even get me started on the backyard. There is a huge underground pool, an underground hot tub with jets, a trampoline, and a treehouse. The treehouse still needs to be finished, but I’m sure my dad will fix it up. 

We move into the house in 3 days. I find that cool because we move in 3 days and I am a triplet. 3 times the charm I guess. 

That night, we set out our clothes for school tomorrow. 

“I think this outfit alone will make us popular.” Shailey joked around. 

“Ya that dress is literally  the definition of perfect.” Hailey said. 

I think they were trying to cheer me up. 

“Come on Bailey. We will make new friends. And you might meet another guy even hotter than Jason.” Shailey sat on my bed. 

“That’s actually not possible. No one is hotter than Jason.”

“Sure, sure. I bet you will find someone hotter than Jason tomorrow.” Hailey said. 

“Bet, $5.” 

I reached out my hand to shake Haileys. 

“You got it.” Hailey shook my hand. 

“This is getting spicy!” Shailey pulled out her phone as if she were filming a TikTok. 

“Well, we need our beauty rest for tomorrow so let's go to bed.” Hailey plopped down in her bed. 

“Alright party pooper.” Shailey hugged me and Hailey and laid down in her bed. 

“Goodnight guys.”

I pulled up the blanket and thought about tomorrow. 

I thought about all the possible things that could go wrong. 

Finally, I fell asleep. 


“Wake up sleepy head it’s the first day of middle school!” Shailey shook me awake. 

“I’m up I’m up!” 

I got out of bed and got my dress on. 

Then we french braided each other's hair.

We put on matching shoes and went down the hall for breakfast. 

“Good morning middle schoolers!” mom hugged us all. 

“Good morning!” We sat down by the counter. 

“I made pancakes!” mom’s pancakes were the best. 

We each ate 3 pancakes.

3 times the charm, I guess. 

“I made you all special lunches so I hope you enjoy.” mom handed us our lunch boxes. 

“Thanks mom.” Hailey said. 

“Load your backpacks and I will drive you to school.” mom cleaned up our plates. 

We had matching purple backpacks and pink lunch boxes. 

We put all of our matching school supplies in our backpacks and zipped them up. 

Then we grabbed our phones off the counter and left for school. 

“Have a good day at school!” mom waved to us and drove away. 

We walked in perfect sync and went to our connections class. 

We had the same connections and 3rd period, but that was it. 

“Good morning 7th graders! Welcome to middle school. This morning we are going to play a get to know you game. Stand up and get in a circle.” The teacher said. 

We all got in a circle and waited for instructions. 

“I am going to pass this ball to one of you, and you have to say your name and one fun fact about yourself. Then you pass it to someone else. My name is Ms. Green. I have been teaching connections and 7th grade language arts for 3 years.” Ms. Green said. 

She passed the ball to me. 

“My name is Bailey, and I am a triplet.” I passed the ball to Shailey. 

“My name is Shailey and I am a triplet.” Shailey passed the ball to Hailey. 

“My name is Hailey, and I am triplets with Bailey and Shailey.” Hailey passed the ball to another kid. 

After connections we dropped each other off at our first periods. 

We dropped Hailey off, then Shailey dropped me off. 

“Hey, I know you will make new friends. Don’t worry, and just be your amazing self.” Shailey hugged me and I walked in the classroom. 

Ok, I know I said no one could ever be as hot as Jason, but I was so wrong. 

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