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The next day at school, Lucas met me at the front of the building.

We walked in holding hands and Chase saw.

He looked so confused!

Lucas walked me to my class, where Chase was standing at the doorway, staring.

"I'll see you later." Lucas smiled and... kissed me?!

Lucas kissed me!!!

That was not part of the contract!!!

I mean it was only on my forehead but still!!! He kissed me!!!

I walked in my classroom, everyone staring at me. Oh no. Chase was only supposed to see that.

"Why him?" Chase asked me as soon as I sat down.

"Why her?" I pointed to Harmony.

Chase went back over to his seat, I could tell he was really annoyed. At me and at Lucas.

I felt a little bad for doing this to Chase, but at the same time he deserved this.

I went to 2nd period, and Lucas was waiting there for me?

"Hey Bailey! How was 1st period?" Lucas asked.

"It was ok. Boring as usual." We both laughed.

Harmony and Chase were giving us snotty looks.

"I'll see you next period." Lucas gave me another cute smile and walked away.

Suddenly Harmony walked up to me. "Who do you think you are?!"

"I'm Bailey. What do you want?" I asked.

"I know what your name is. Who do you think you are going off and dating Chase's brother?!" Harmony yelled at me.

"You can't say anything when you did the same thing." I say.

"Uh... well... I... UGH!" Harmony stormed off to her seat.

That was weird.

"Hello class. We will be doing a project for our last quarter of the school year. You need to have 4 partners in your group. This project will be about different city layouts. Come talk to me once you have a group." Ms. Brown explained.

Great. I don't have any friends in this class.

Soon, everyone had a group and I was alone.

"Bailey, please join Chase's group." Mr. Brown told me.

"No, I can't-"

"You have to or you get an F."

Of course I had to be in Chase's group.

Of course I had to be in Chase’s group. 

“Ew why is she coming over here?” Harmony whispers to Chase.

“I don’t kno-”

“You know I can hear you right? Also Ms. Brown told me to join your group. Trust me, if I didn’t have to be here I wouldn’t.” I explain.

“Hi. Nice to meet you.” A girl shook my hand. “My name is Jade. I’m friends with Harmony.” Jade introduces herself.

“My name’s Bailey.”

“Let’s just get this over with.” Harmony says in a snotty voice, which is mostly her usual voice.

“What type of city should we do?” Chase asks the group.

“We should do a big city in New York or something.” I suggest.

“Ok sure!” Jade happily agrees.

I wonder why Jade and Harmony are friends. Jade seems so nice and Harmony is… well… Harmony.

“That’s a stupid idea. We should do a small-town in Florida.” Harmony adds.

“We can do a small town in New York. That way, both of you get what you want.” Jade suggests.

“Ok whatever. I don’t really care about this project.” Chase finally talks.

“No one asked.” I quickly respond.

We grab a piece of paper and Jade starts sketching out our city.

“How does this look?” Jade asks the group.

“Wow, that looks so good. I love it.”

“Thanks! Let's get started now. We need wire and cardboard first to make the buildings.” Jade tells us.

I wait in line to grab some cardboard, and Chase walks up to me.

“To be fair, your idea was better.” Then Chase walks back to the table and starts whispering and pointing at me!?

That boy is so confusing.

Once I get back with the cardboard, the bell rings and it’s finally 3rd period. My only class with Lucas.

“Hey!” Lucas runs up to me.

“Oh hey Lucas.” We sit down in our seats right next to each other.

“What’s wrong?” Lucas asks me.

“I’m in Chase’s and Harmony’s group for California studies.”

“Dang I’m sorry. But, you can talk about us hanging out or something and make him jealous.” Lucas smiles.

“Good idea. We should hang out after school today.” I respond.

“Sure! Let’s go to my house.” Lucas happily says.

At lunch I told my sisters about me and Lucas hanging out.

“Me and Lucas are gonna hang out after school today at his house.” I say casually white eating my lunch.

“Omg really?! You guys are actually so cute together. Even cuter than when you were with Chase.” Shailey says excitingly.

“Ya I already have a ship name for you two: Bucas.” Hailey agrees with Shailey.

“Bucas? That’s kind of ugly.” We all laugh.

After school I meet Lucas by the flagpole.

“My car is right over there.” Lucas points to a silver van and grabs my hand.

We walk over to the van and hop on the very back.

“Hey Bailey! It’s so nice to finally meet you!” Lucas and Chase’s mom says. Chase is sitting in the front.

“Ya It’s nice to meet you too.” I say, taking my seat next to lucas.

We get buckled and he puts his arm around me.

“We should watch a movie when we get to my house.” Lucas suggests.

“Sure!” I agree.

After a short but awkward car ride home, we make it to Lucas and Chase’s house.

“Would you two like anything to eat?”

“I’m alright, thank you.” I answer.

“I’m not hungry mom. We’re gonna go to the movie room and watch something.” Lucas tells his mom.

We go down to the movie room and sit on the couch.

The couch is like a regular couch but the part where you sit is long so you can lay down on it.

“Let’s watch a scary movie.” Lucas turns on the big tv and chooses a movie. He chose Scream. I’ve never watched this movie before, but I’ve heard it’s really gory.

We were halfway through the movie and I was practically attached to Lucas.

He just laughed at me being so scared.

Occasionally Chase would come downstairs. He never told us why but I think it was because he wanted to see what me and Lucas were up to.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 08 ⏰

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