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A few weeks went by but I just couldn’t get over Chase.

“Bailey c’mon hurry up we’re gonna be late!” Shailey interrupted my train of thought.

“Sorry, sorry.” I get up from my stool by the counter and grab my backpack. I run out the door and we drive to school.

I walk to 1st period after connections and of course Chase and Harmony are talking. I just don’t get why he chose her over me.

I still don’t like Jordan for what he did to me but at least he chose a nice girl. Chase chose the worst girl possible. Harmony is worse than Yulicia.

Then, I see Chase make his way over to me. Oh no. I don’t want to deal with him. Even if I do still like him.

“Hey Bailey. How has life been?” Chase asks.

“Great, since I left you.” I give him a sassy look trying to hold back my sadness.

“Oh. I know I hurt you, but can we at least be friends?” Chase says.

I want to say yes so badly but I know it’s just gonna make things worse.

“No. Why would I want to be your friend after what you put me through? I will never forgive you Chase.” He walks away, I can tell he’s sad, but I am too. Why did I have to do that? It’s for my own good I guess.

Two more periods go by and it’s finally lunch.

“Bailey have you seen the new guy that just joined our school?” Hailey asks me.

“No why?” I say confused.

“He kind of looks like Chase. Did he ever tell you he had a brother?” Shailey says.

“Ummm… No I don’t think he ever mentioned having siblings. In fact, he didn’t mention his family at all.”

“Hm that’s weird. Anyways how was school so far guys?” Hailey asks us.

I started thinking about this whole situation.

Chase never mentioned his family. Maybe he just has family problems or something and doesn’t like to talk about it?




“Huh? What?” I finally answer. “Oh, school was… ok so far.

“Did Chase try to talk to you?” Shailey assumes.

“Ya, actually. He said he still wanted to be friends but I said no.” I explain.

“Good. You can’t let toxic people in your life.” Shailey says.

“Ya, you need to heal from him. I know you still like him.” Hailey agrees with Shailey.

“Ya I guess.”

One month goes by and it’s finally fourth quarter. Last quarter of the school year! I have a new cca class once again, but this means one less class with Chase.

I walk into 1st period after connections, as always, and find my new seat.

Chase and Harmony talk like they always do and class goes by fast. I go to utah studies after math and then I go to cca. I look at our seating chart and for a second I think Chase sits next to me. But when “Chase” takes his seat next to mine, he introduces himself.

“Hi, my name is Lucas.” he goes to shake my hand.

“My name is Bailey.”

“I know.” Lucas says.


“I know who you are.” Lucas smiles.

Lucas has curly dirty blonde hair and blue eyes. His smile is pretty cute too. Wait, maybe Lucas is the guy who Shailey and Hailey think is Chase’s brother?

“How do you know me?” I ask Lucas.

“I’m Chase’s brother. He talked about you a lot. He still does.” Lucas explains.

“He still talks about me?”

“Ya, he does. I think he still likes you.” Lucas says.

“Then why did he choose Harmony?” I ask.

“To get back at me. Listen, I used to like Harmony in 4th, 5th, and 6th grade. That was when she was actually nice. Then Chase came into the picture and stole her from me. I don’t like her anymore but he still hurt me. And I know he hurt you too. So what if we pretend that we like each other. We pretend we are dating.” Lucas proposes his plan.

“I don’t know,”

“It would be getting back at Chase. And making him jealous.” Lucas tries to convince me.

I do want to make Chase jealous.

“Ok, I’m in. Meet me after school by the tables by the portables.” I say, turning back to my work.

After cca we go to lunch.

“Guys I have big news.”  I sit down with Shailey and Hailey.

“What is it?” Shailey asks, taking a bite of her pb&j sandwich.

“Remember when you guys said you saw a boy who looked like Chase?”

“Yeah…” Hailey says, confused.

“Well he’s in my cca class now. His name is Lucas and it turns out he is Chase’s brother. He said  in elementary he liked Harmony. But then Chase stole her from him. So Lucas came up with a plan of how we can both get back at Chase: we pretend to date and like each other.” I explain.

“No way… This is so good!” Shailey screams.

“Yes! Now you can finally get over Chase, and make him jealous!” Hailey yells.

After school I go to the tables by the potables and wait for Lucas.

“Hey!” He yells, running towards me.

“Hey!” I wave to Lucas.

Lucas sits down across from me.

“Ok, if we’re gonna make this work, we need to be on the same page.”

“So kinda like rules?” Lucas asks, confused.

“Yea, kinda. Ok. We never ever tell anyone that this whole relationship was fake.” I say.

“Duh. That would be embarrassing for both of us.” Lucas agrees.

“And I don’t want to be touchy. If I’m gonna be touchy with something in a relationship, I want it to be real.” I explain.

“We have to be touchy if we want people to believe this.” Lucas argues.

“Ok, ok, fine. Do you have any “rules”?” I ask Lucas.

“Hmmm… We have to hang out a lot at my house, and we have to get matching stuff. Like matching hoodies or something.” Lucas suggests.

“Ok, sure. You also have to take me to lots of fast food places. I always begged Chase to take me out on a real date and he never would, so this will make him regret big time.” I add.

“One more thing. I know this sounds like that one movie, but you have to come with me on our Disney trip in 3 months.” Lucas says.

3 months. 3 times the charm, I guess.

“No. I’m not going with you to Disneyland.”

“Please? It will make Chase sooo jealous.” Lucas tries to convince me.

“Ok, ok. Fine. I’ll only go with you if this whole relationship is still going on by then.” I give in, knowing this will be over by then.

“Yes! Well, I gotta go. Meet me by the main office tomorrow morning!” Lucas waves and runs off.

I mean, he is pretty cute. Not cuter than Chase of course, but he’s still cute.

I walk all the way home and tell my sisters everything.

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