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"I don't think partying with you was in my job description."

Yunjin scanned the crowded room around her, watching out for potential threats and realising that, in fact, anyone in such a state would be a threat to her. The bass thumped in time with her heart beat as though they were one, filling her from head to toe with music. She liked this song. Perhaps if she were twenty one and careless again, she would've joined the party.

But not that night.

Her strict training hadn't allowed her to go clubbing much, not that she really missed it. Going to the bar with her friends on a chill Friday evening, maybe. But certainly not this. Not obnoxious frat parties. She didn't even understand why Chaewon had insisted on coming in the first place — these people looked like the last kind of people she'd hang out with. But again, not that she knew her that well. Or at all.

"Stop complaining and take a shot with me," she told Yunjin over the loud music.

Yeah, right. She had to be kidding, "I'm working."

She rolled her eyes just as she spotted someone she apparently knew. She waved at them, and Yunjin made a mental note of their overall physical appearance just in case she would need it later. Her gun was burning in her belt, but she hoped not to use it that night. Or ever, really.

"Fine," she said, taking a small red drink from the counter, "I'll take yours," she smirked before swallowing the liquid. She made a face after that, which almost made Yunjin laugh. Almost.

"Look who decided to join us tonight!"

Chaewon looked back in time to see Karina flashing a wide smile at Yunjin, Jay, Jake and Sunghoon trailing behind her.

"Hey, man. Nice to see you again," Jay smiled at Yunjin. The faint glimpse in his eyes told her he had had a couple of drinks already.

Yunjin nodded, but was immediately interrupted by Sunghoon's voice, "Who are you?", he looked at Yunjin up and down with a frown.

Chaewon hurried to her side, "She's a friend," she opted for. The less people knew about her real identity, the better. And plus, knowing Sunghoon and his current (and usual) state, he was better off unaware.

"Oooh, a friend. I see," he wiggled his eyebrows at her as if he had read between the lines, "I'm Sunghoon, by the way. And this is my friend and platonic husband, Jake."

Yunjin looked at him, amused, "How platonic, really?"

"Sadly, very," Sunghoon smirked, "Women are a blessing and a curse, am I right? Do you know how easy it would be to just marry your best friend? I guess we could do that, but we aren't really—"

"You're rambling," Karina interrupted him, clearly too tired to hear the same speech once again.

Jake sent Yunjin an apologetic smile, "He's kind of stoned."

"I can see that," the woman smirked, "Well, we can't choose who we love, right?"

"Absolutely, man," Sunghoon sighed, "I love you, Jake. But not enough to fu—"

"That's enough," Chaewon interrupted him, a nervous smile escaping her lips, "We get it, Sunghoon."

"So," Karina looked between them, gladly changing topics. She sent them a knowing look, "How's this whole thing going?"

"As good as it gets," she brushed it off quickly, not really in the mood to talk about Yunjin when she was quite literally attached to her hip. She looked up at her, "I'm going to grab another drink. It'll just be a second."

Yunjin nodded approvingly, probably because the bar was just a few metres away, "Okay."

Chaewon sighed, and immediately left her side. She couldn't believe the relief she was feeling, the freedom. It was overwhelmingly good not to be attached to her damn side, even if it was only for a couple of minutes. And perhaps she lingered at the makeshift bar for longer than she should have, but who cared at that point.

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